BOOM Edition 3 September 2016 Issue | Page 37

RELATIONSHIPS are ready to have sex again. Overindulging kids with too many toys This is where most of the parents argue on. While one feels that the kid has too much toys, games or books, the other partner wants to just pick up so-called unused stuff and chuck it in the bin or just give it away to the charity. Figure out sensibly what stays and what goes, depending on what your child regularly needs. While you should remember not to be in a hurry to throw play things which your child may be attached to, keep in mind that they need to have games, toys and books compatible to their age. If you don ' t remove the old ones you will have no space when you buy new ones. Cleanliness issues As a caretaker of little children, one gets used to all the mess that they create, but one is never ready for all that poop and vomit coming your way unexpectedly. Neither is your home, car and the furniture ready for all that. So, while one partner will try to sort out all the chaos, the other is sure to screw up their nose, wanting to throw up themselves. The best solution is to keep things handy whether you are home, in the car or outside. Keep a stack of clean tissues, wet wipes, cleansing solutions, baby lotions, sanitisers and a change of clothes handy. Food that is good for your child Once you know your baby can eat solids, parents start experimenting with their taste for food and trying to get it to eat it all which is a big challenge for every parent. Add to that, when both parents have different views about it, the kids end up eating a lot and more. While adding variety to their menu may be a good idea, it might trigger two things— either the child learns to eat everything and becomes fat or they loath eating altogether. Depending on their own preferences, many parents also differ on whether the child should be a strict vegetarian or he eat non-vegetarian food too? Other things that may cause trouble Who cleaned and changed the baby the last time? Whether to buy only branded items for the child? Are cheap products good for kids? When to stop feeding the child and train him to eat by himself? Keep these in mind While sharing your feelings, frustrations and concerns keep clean communication going Listen to all that your partner wants to say without interrupting or responding. Repeat what your partner has said in your own words, thus ensuring that you are both clear about it. Have some quiet moments together like having a quiet cup of tea together or taking a quick post-dinner for a walk after putting the baby to sleep. w Even if you don ' t agree to what your partner says, don ' t immediately disagree. w Have the talk when you ' re both feeling calm and composed, not when you are tired or sleepy. w Do things for the baby together- like putting together things for his nursery, taking time out to go shopping for the baby, assembling his album of early memories.
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