BOOM Edition 3 October 2016 Issue | Page 47

C A R E E R’ S A little healthy competition is good but jealousy will take you nowhere. It’s just a sheer waste of your time and energy. 6. You Don’t Have A Plan Yeah, we know how it’s cool to not have a plan. While it’s okay to be spontaneous and take life as it comes, it’s absolutely necessary to plan your career. Not in a ‘By40-I-want-to-be-CEO’ kind of way, but in a ‘I-need-tomaster-this-skill-in-the-next-year’ kind of way. You love your job but you are moving ahead aimlessly. You are not tracking your personal growth. 7. There’s A Lot Of Negativity Around You Does your family respect the work you do? Do any of your friends criticize your work in an unconstructive way? Steer clear. When others around you make you feel bad about the work you do or the person you are, it not only affects your confidence but your productivity too. The lack of faith and positivity can subconsciously prevent you from giving your work your best. 8. You Waste The First Half Of Your Day Oh yes, mom was right. The early bird takes the worm. Sleeping in late, eating brunch instead of breakfast, skipping exercise (of course, because you are late) and starting your work day late is not good for your success graph. Some of you might argue you are an evening person and the morning just doesn’t agree with you. I get it, and I too am an evening person, but that doesn’t mean you waste your day doing nothing. If you can’t work or study in the morning, then don’t, but don’t waste the first half of the day doing nothing. Schedule tasks that require the least of your effort in the morning. And keep brainstorming for the evenings! Some of the most successful people in the world wake up super early and start their day at work even before we’ve had our first cup of morning coffee. 9. You Are Low On Energy In the hustle of everyday life, one thing that takes the most beating is health. From skipping breakfast to binging on junk food in office to those endless cups of tea and coffee, we leave no stone unturned in ruining our health. Don’t think one hour of intense gyming will undo all the harm done by those 5 cups of coffee and smoke breaks you take in the day. We might not realize but most of us are low on nutrition and deficient in vitamins. That headache you get after driving back home is not because of the traffic; that’s our body telling you something’s wrong. 10. You Are Not Selling Yourself Well This one’s a bitter truth to gulp down. Despite being talented and hard-working, you somehow keep falling short. You fail to get recognition for your efforts and appreciation for your talent. Been there? You’ve been selling yourself short. It’s not enough to just be talented and hard-working; you gotta to make the world see that talent too. You need to believe in your worth so strongly that the world starts believing in it too. ATTENTION PLEASE Team Boom always ready to cover your events (like Fashion Shows, Launchings Seminars, Interviews, Modeling shoots, family fairs & exhibitions) just a phone call away, contact us on below contact details to cover your events. Mob : +92 300-3629111(24/7) Email @ : [email protected] Facebook : \monthlyboom Twitter :@boomalerts Team BooM 47 | BOOM