BOOM Edition 3 October 2016 Issue | Page 46


Why You Aren ' t Successful Despite Being Talented And Hard-Working

You are talented , you are hard working , you are a people ’ s person . And yet success seems to evade you . You are intelligent , creative and sensible and yet you are tight-lipped at the idea meeting . You know you could kick ass out of that project but when it ’ s time to sit and work it out , you feel tired and uninspired . Nothing feels rightyou are doing good but you know it ’ s not up to your potential . God knows you are trying . You cancel plans with friends because you want to spend that extra time focusing on your work . You are torn between enjoying your life and working to achieve your goals . Why then are you not succeeding in doing what you dream of ? It is often said there is only one way to succeed hard work . Well , turns out you need more than just hard work . Here are some potential mistakes you are making unintentionally that are holding you back from utilizing your true potential . 1 . You Are Too Anxious About Succeeding Fear is not good for success . Success demands courage . When you fear failure , you make mistakes . Anxiety prevents you from working to your potential . It ’ s a vicious cycle ! Be not afraid to make mistakes ; the best of people make them . The most successful of people have made plenty of mistakes in their careers . But they did not give up , which is why success was theirs . Had Edison been afraid to fail and had given up after a few attempts , the electirc bulb would have been invented a lot later in the history of civilization . 2 . You Are Not True To Yourself In this world of assembly line products , the biggest challenge is to retain your eccenticity and your identity . Being part of the crowd brings you acceptability , which is why you give in to it easily , sacrifi cing your identity . How many times have you agreed to something only because

the whole group wanted it and you did not want a confrontation by suggesting the opposite ? Do not be afraid to stand apart from the crowd . You ' d be lonely for a while but you ' d be true to yourself . Amitabh Bachchan was rejected by the radio for his heavy baritone . Had he taken the rejection to heart and believed it to be true , Bollywood would have never seen the legendary star . Today , that heavy baritone is one of his biggest USPs . Moral of the story : embrace your uniqueness . 3 . You Crib Too Much About Work We all love a good cribbing session over a few beers with friends after work , but whining about your work life all the time impacts your performance negatively without you even realizing it . How we feel , speak and think affects our state of mind . Happy thoughts bring about positive outputs . If cribbing is all you do , you will subconsciously start hating your job , your life , your boss . Sound familiar ? You ’ ve already fallen into that trap , haven ’ t you ? 4 . You Are Not Listening To Your Heart There are often times when we keep doing things not because we like doing them but because it ’ s probably the right thing to do , the in-trend thing to do . And that ’ s when we enter the herd . And you know what they say about the herd ? That it kills creativity and makes you mediocre . 5 . You Constantly Compare Yourself To Others Getting demotivated comes close on heels with anxiety . You look at others , smarter , sharper , fi tter and happier than you and you instantly feel bogged down by all that glitter around you . If you focus too much on other runners , you are probably going to trip and fall in the race yourself . Don ’ t compare and berate yourself all the time .
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