Psychosexual Problems : Don ’ t Hide What Can Be Cured
When couples fi ght about trivial things , it is possible that sometimes there are far worse and bigger issues which are buried deep at the subconscious level . We often hear people say that now we live in a ‘ liberated society ’, where most forms of sexual practices and relationships are seen as acceptable . And yet , any psychosexual diffi culty might still easily get brushed away under the carpet . In a country such as ours , a problem related to any sexual disorder becomes cause for ample mismanagement of the issue . Needless to say that the reasons are many , ranging from both men and women not wanting to let anyone know that they are suffering from an issue , trying to put veils on it , to sheer embarrassment of taking up an issue that has no grounds in a physical problem to seek medical help . Men folk of course , have ego issues and feel that their manhood might be in question . As these people lead unsatisfactory sex lives , this creates its stress , not only for the individual but for their relationship as well , which in turn leads to a million other problems . And while women and men both hide away in secrecy , they live lives devoid of normal sex- they live , often in fear and pain , losing self worth when they can very easily put themselves out of their misery as well as enjoy a healthy happy sexual life . It is pertinent for any man or woman going through a diffi cult time to know that they are not alone- not in their psychosexual issue nor in the fact that so many others are also uncomfortable in seeking help . Even when people contact their doctor if they think they may have psychosexual dysfunction , it is not always possible for them to get the right kind of help unless they are guided in the correct direction to seek out a therapist who knows about these disorders . Psychosexual dysfunction is not life threatening , but the damage it causes on your relationship and self-esteem , requires that any such person be treated with utmost respect , gentleness , reassurance and encouragement . One Psychosexual disorder that a woman shared with us for this column is called Vaginismus . Belonging to the lower class , working as a house maid , it was not easy for this woman to be suffering from an ailment which she could not even understand . Even more diffi cult was