Bookself Mojatu Nottingham Magazine Issue M026 | Page 6

5 8457 00 Tel: 0115 8457 email: 00 [email protected] 5005 459 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Work • placement Work placement Tel: 0115 Email: 8457 00 Follow us / Connect with Month us: Free National Union of Students (NUS) card mojatu .com • Email: Free National Union of Students (NUS) card 6 Black History 0745 5005 459 [email protected] / Text: 0745 5005 459 Email: [email protected] Unlimited tutor support Tel: 0115 • Unlimited tutor support Tel: 8457 0115 00 8457 00 Call/ Text: 0745 5005 459 Follow us / Connect with us: @mojatuF Follow us / Connect with us: Industry recognised qualifications • Industry recognised qualifications Tel: 0115 8457 00 Tel: 0115 8457 00 Flexible study plan Tel: 0115 8457 • Flexible study plan Call/ Text: 0745 5005 459 I 5005 was 459 so moved by Shaylah’s story that Contact I 5005 felt I the wanted to Project help 00 the Call/ Text: 0745 459 Training Lead lives of o Valentine Nkoyo from Nottingham’s Mojatu Foundation @mojatuF Call/ Text: 0745 @mojatuF Call/ Text: 0745 5005 459 Mob: 0745 Ktenas 5005 459 Eleftheria PARTNERS PARTNERS MORE BLACK & Latest Hazard Perception FUNDED BY NEEDED FUNDED BY DONORS ARE NOW. 0115 845 7009 | M: 0792 913 2553 “IT’S EASY TO HELP T: SAVE LIVES…..” [email protected] I was so moved by Shaylah’s story that I felt I wanted E: to [email protected] help the lives of our community. I have heard about Sickle Cell disease and the fact W: that it affects black people more t MORE BLACK DONORS ARE NEEDED NOW. But I hadn’t met anyone suffering from By the disease. I read the story of this beautiful Lynne Moulder Register online for all courses @ needs transfusions 3 weeks to keep her alive. more I really to do I have who heard about blood Sickle Cell disease and every the fact that it affects black people than wanted other ethnic hope and to see day. from the disease. I read the story of this beautiful 7-year- communities. But live I hadn’t met another anyone suffering old girl called Shaylah, who needs blood transfusions every 3 weeks to keep her alive. I really wanted to Some rare sub-types are live more common specific communities, which are is w do something about it to give of her blood hope and to see another in day. Some rare sub-types of blood blood at Nottingham Donor Centre to black HELP blood SAVE donors. A LIFE I gave and blood give some more donors. common I in gave specific communities, which is why we need more at Nottingham Donor Centre to HELP SAVE A LIFE and give someone else a chance to live. Please follow my live. give Please follow my who lead might and be give hope to to someone who might be waiting to recei lead and hope to someone waiting receive your blood. Shaylah Step who has 1. a rare condition and needs regular blood tran to keep her alive. Register to The give seven year old needs blood transfusions every 3 weeks to t blood blood disorder, sickle cell disease. Shaylah who has a rare condition and needs regular blood transfusions, even over Christmas, Step to 1. keep register to give her alive. blood The seven year old needs blood transfusions every 3 weeks to treat the painful inherited blood disorder, sickle cell disease. Step 2. Donate Step 3. Save lives Step 2. Donate S or call 0300 123 23 23 We are proud to present the first '#BeThere Support Your Community' event to raise awareness and further educate the black NOTTINGHAM DONOR CENTRE community about why we need more black Trinity square, Nottingham NG1 4BR donors. In the UK, 15,000 people have sickle-cell #BE THERE - FIND OUT WHY BLACK BLOOD IS disease and over 300 babies are born each year NEEDED TO HELP YOUR COMMUNITY. with the condition. It is most common in black people. In order to receive the best treatment, MOJATU Foundation in association with NHS NOTTINGHAM patients need DONOR blood which CENTRE is closely matched Blood & Transplant th am pm Trinity square, Nottingham NG1 come 4BR to their own, which will most likely from SATURDAY 28 OCTOBER 10.30 - 3.00 a donor of the same ethnicity. Come along and learn more about the challenge, TO talk with #BE THERE - FIND OUT WHY BLACK BLOOD IS NEEDED HELP some of Mojatu Foundation staff to understand MOJATU Foundation in association with NHS Blood & T why Black Blood is so special and how you can support YOUR community. Meet and talk to our SATURDAY guest 28th recipient OCTOBER 10.30am Sid Thomas who has a - lot 3.00pm to be thankful for. There will be lots of fun activities on the day such as, health insights, Salsa, We are proud to present the first '#BeThere free Support Community' event to ra food and Your a tour around your local Donor ucate the black community about why we need black the UK, Centre: more a relaxed and donors. welcoming In setting in the 15 heart of your city. Q&A on how can comm help ease and over 300 babies are born each year with the condition. It is you most save someone's life whilst going about yours. or call 0300 123 23 23 receive the best treatment, patients need blood which is closely matched to thei