Bookself Mojatu Nottingham Magazine Issue M026 | Page 5

Nottingham connected NOTTINGHAM 2 nd -5 th Oct Clifton Cornerstone, Southchurch Drive, Clifton NG11 8EW 6 th -12 th Oct Bulwell Riverside, Main Street NG6 8QL 12 th -18 th Oct Mary Potter Centre, 76 Gregory Blvd, NG7 5HY 18 th -23 rd Oct. vCentral Library, Angel Row, NG1 6HP 23 rd -26 th Oct. City Council, Loxley House, Station Street NG2 3NG 27 th Oct- 1 st Nov St Anns Valley Centre, 2 Livingston Rd, NG3 3GG DERBY 6 th Nov-13 th Nov,  Derby Central Library, The Wardwick, DE1 1HS 13 th -15 th  Nov, The Mandela Centre, 179-181 Pear Tree Rd, DE23 8NQ 23 rd -29 th  Nov,  West Indian Community Association, Carrington St, DE1 2ND LEICESTER  16 th -22 nd  Nov,  Centre for New Writing at Leicester Uni, School of English, LE1 7RH LONDON 4 th -8 th  Dec, Bernie Grant Arts Centre, Town Hall Approach Rd, N15 4RX 9 th Dec,  Black Cultural Archive, 1 Windrush Square, SE2 1EF “My mission is to put Nottingham on the map as the home of some of the finest Black writers in the world!” Panya Banjoko, we hope so too! Panya’s most recent collection Them, They and Others and Me, is set for publication in 2018. For more info visit Black History Month 5 DOMINICA HURRICANE “MARIA” DISASTER FUND On 18th September 2017, hurricane “MARIA” ravaged the Commonwealth of Dominica. Winds of 165mph destroyed 80% of homes, business, schools and vegetation. Sadly, many lives were lost and there are many still unaccounted for. Supply routes were also destroyed with rods, bridges, phone and electricity infrastructure severely damaged. NGO’s such as the Dominica Red Cross and other international government agencies have been of tremendous assistance but access to food is extremely difficult in many areas, there is limited drinking water and many families face the daunting task of rebuilding their homes and their lives. The Island continues to suffer heavy rainfall and storms with the risks of serious landslides.. NINDA, a small non-profit and non-political organization constituted of concerned persons of Dominican heritage and friends who have a strong desire to support projects in Dominica. At this time of desperate need, we ask that you give whatever you can to support Dominican citizens. Thank you in anticipation of your generous support. For donations and further information, please visit A BAFTA mentor for the British Film Institute (BFI) Film Academy Alumni OUT OF AFRICA. programme Sophia also completed the National Film and Television School’s BAME Leadership programme and was mentored by Duncan Clark, President of Distribution at Universal Pictures. WOMEN: In focus SOPHIA RAMCHARAN Producer and award SOPhIA winning filmmaker RAMChARAN of Nottingham- Producer and award winning filmmaker of Stella Nottingham-based based Vision Stella Vision Productions. Productions. Sophia has been a champion for access to opportunity within the arts since her youth as a committee Sophia has been a champion for access to opportunity member with various community organisations such as Hyson Green within the and arts youth Recording as a committee member Youth Club also since at The her Community Studio in St Ann’s. Sophia now uses her film production and exhibition company to celebrate with various community organisations such as Hyson and showcase emerging and diverse talent on a world stage. Green Youth Club and also at The Community Recording Sophia’s in productions been exhibited at national and international Studio St Ann’s. have Sophia now uses her film production film festivals, including the Geneva International Jewish Film Festival, and exhibition company to celebrate London Short Film Festival and Asthetica Film Festival. and Sophia showcase produced the short film and Happy New Year, for which was awarded the Pears emerging diverse talent on she a world stage. Short Film Fund and it was premiered at the UK Jewish Film Festival in 2013. Sophia’s productions have been exhibited at national Sophia produced the ambitious multi award-winning Nottingham-based and international film festivals, including the Geneva sci-fi short film White Lily, scooping “Best Film” at the Focus International International Jewish Film Festival, London Film Festival and shortlisted for “Best Live Action Short” at Sci-On Short film festival. White Lily was Asthetica selected for the Film Hollyshorts, the Academy Film Festival and Festival. Sophia Awards qualifying festival and was screened in Hollywood in 2017. produced the short film Happy New Year, for which With was over 10 years’ experience at the Short BBC, highlights have included she awarded the Pears Film Fund and it was creating The Jamaica Stories featuring William Chong, who came from premiered at the UK Jewish Film Festival in 2013. Jamaica to Nottingham on the Empire Windrush ship in the 1950s ® to return for the first time in over 60 years. The Jamaica Stories was Sophia produced the Media ambitious multi award-winning nominated for the One World Trust awards in 2006. Nottingham-based sci-fi short film White Lily, scooping 12 Sophia also curates and programmes films and events for a range of arts “Best Film” including: at the The Focus International Film Festival and institutions New Art Exchange Gallery, Broadway Cinema and the Bang for Short “Best Films Festival. Sophia currently holds position film shortlisted Live Action Short” at a Sci-On at Broadway Cinema as the Audience Development, Diversity and festival. White Lily was the for Hollyshorts, Engagement Coordinator and selected is also is an for Advisor the BFI Film Hub the Central East. Academy Awards® qualifying festival and was screened in Hollywood in 2017. With over 10 years’ experience at PANYA the BBC, highlights have included creating The BANJOKO Jamaica Stories featuring William Chong, who came Nottingham-based writer, poet and from Jamaica to Nottingham on the Empire Windrush archivist whose work has been published in various ship in the 1950s anthologies, to return for the first time in over 60 performing widely including the years. The Jamaica Stories was nominated for the One 2012 Olympic Games. She is co- founder Media and Director of Nottingham World Trust awards in 2006. Black Archive and coordinates a Writers and Artists A Black BAFTA mentor for Network. the British Film Institute (BFI) Film She is also Patron for Nottingham Academy Alumni programme Sophia also completed UNESCO City of Literature. the National Film and Television School’s BAME Her first published poem was Brain Drain, published by Penguin Press Leadership programme and was mentored by Books Duncan (2000). Since then she has had poems published by Bloodaxe and in University Anthologies. Her poem, One Of A Kind was commended in the Writers East Midlands Aurora Poetry Competition 2017. In addition to Clark, President of Distribution at Universal Pictures. publications she has performed poems on Central TV and more recently Sophia also curates about and Olympian programmes films and She events for a BBC Documentary Jamie Baulch (2016). was of the of poets selected from around the country to The perform as part for also a one range arts institutions including: New Art of the award winning film, Brit I Am, directed by the comedian Andi Osho. Exchange Gallery, Broadway Cinema and the Bang In 2016 she was commissioned to write and perform a poem for the launch Films of the Pathways Mural project currently which created holds the first a community Short Festival. Sophia position in the Hyson Green area of Nottingham and in the same year her at mural Broadway Cinema as the Audience Development, chapter of a graphic novel, for the award winning Dawn of the Unread series, was and published by Left Lion magazine. Diversity Engagement Coordinator and is also is an 13 Advisor for the BFI Film Hub Central East.