Nottingham connected
9. Alfalfa
12. Turnip Greens
Turnip greens is high in
antioxidant content, particularly
glucosinolate. They are also high
in vitamins A, B6, C, and E.
Alfalfa is high in protein, amino acids,
& essential vitamins & minerals.
Bottom line: Alfalfa can lower
cholesterol levels, ease menopause
symptoms, helps with clotting and
thus prevent excessive bleeding,
helps with kidney issues, and
improves digestion.
Bottom line: Turnip greens, not
only fight cancer, but also improve
eyesight, prevent heart diseases,
and help maintain strong bones.
13. Mustard Greens
Mustard greens offer an extra kick
with its peppery flavour. But more
than that, it is rich in antioxidants,
which acts as a detoxifier.
Bottom line: Romaine lettuce is very
low in calories, but is high in water
content. In addition to that, it is also
rich in fibre, vitamin A, vitamin C,
and folate, all of which are great for
boosting heart health.
11. Collard Greens
of dietary fibre, thiamine,
pantothenic acid, niacin, zinc,
phosphorus, riboflavin, folate,
calcium, and vitamins A, C, and K.
Bottom line: Chives protect you
from mouth and lung cancers,
prevent neural tube defects in new-
borns, soothe upset stomachs, and
lower blood pressure.
16. Kale
Bottom line: It is still a highly
nutritious superfood compared to
other fruits and vegetables.
17. Chlorella
Bottom line: Mustard greens are
great for pregnancy because they
are very rich in vitamin K, which
helps blood to clot.
14. Wheatgrass
Wheatgrass boasts a ton of
other micronutrients that are
highly beneficial for the body.
It is rich in chlorophyll, along
with antioxidants, amino acids,
electrolytes, vitamins, minerals,
and other nutrients.
Bottom line: Wheatgrass can
help you lose weight the healthy
way, have good digestion, deal
with stress and fatigue, and have
healthier skin.
15. Chives
Chlorella is a single-celled
freshwater alga that boasts a
ton of micronutrients. It has
plenty of essential fatty acids,
phytonutrients, nucleic acids,
Bottom line: Chlorella can boost
the body’s immune system,
protect and improve eyesight,
help with gastrointestinal issues,
relieve the effects of radiation and
chemotherapy, and fully detoxify
the body.v
18. Greek Yogurt
Collard Greens has anti-cancer
properties. They are also rich in
manganese, magnesium, calcium,
and vitamins A, C, K. Not only
does it have tons of antioxidants,
but it also has anti-inflammatory
Bottom line: Collard Greens doesn’t
just detoxify the body of toxins and
free radicals but it can also relieve
all sorts of inflammation.
inflammation, naturally detoxify
the body, promote heart health,
promote brain development in
new-borns, improve vision, and
help prevent certain cancers
10. Romaine Lettuce
Romaine lettuce, has analgesic
properties, which effectively
relieves pain.
Health & Food
Yogurts are probiotics, which
means that each serving aids your
digestion. It can even be a healthy
substitute for mayonnaise, cream
cheese, and sour cream.
The chive is an herb that is very
low in calories, cholesterol, and
sodium, but high in nutrients.
They contain high amounts
Bottom line: yogurt is very rich in
calcium, giving women more than
their recommended daily need. It
also contains more protein than
regular yogurts.