Berkshire connected
acid to escape into the oesophagus and cause heartburn.
Moreover, chocolate is made out of coca which contains
serotonin which, again, relaxes the oesophageal
sphincter muscle. Finally, chocolate contains compounds
of theobromine and caffeine which additionally causes
the relaxation of the sphincter muscle.
Bottom Line: Chocolate contains a high amount of fat,
serotonin and other naturally occurring compounds
which cause the relaxation of the lower oesophageal
sphincter which results in heartburn.
Spicy foods contain capsaicin which may slow down
the rate of digestion. This means that food will
remain in the stomach for a longer period of time
which increases the chances of heartburn. A study
showed that consuming chili powder slowed down
the rate of digestion. Also, spicy foods can irritate
an already inflamed oesophagus which worsens
heartburn symptoms.
Bottom Line: The compound capsaicin which is found
in spicy foods slows down the rate of digestion and
spicy foods can irritate the oesophagus which can
worsen symptoms of heartburn.
Onions, especially raw onions, are a typical trigger of
heartburn as the cause the LES to relax which leads to acid
reflux and symptoms of heartburn. In one study, people
with heartburn were given a plain hamburger to eat in
one day. They also had to eat an identical burger with
onions on another day. The burger with onions drastically
worsened their heartburn symptoms compared to the
burger with no onions. Onions also have a high sources
of fermentable fibre which may cause belching (burping)
which can intensify acid reflux symptoms.
Bottom Line: Onions relax the LES which cause
acid reflux and heartburn symptoms. Furthermore,
onion have high amounts of fermentable fibre which
promotes acid reflux symptoms.
Regular to excessive alcohol use may cause
heartburn symptoms in multiple ways. It can relax
the LES which triggers heartburn. Additionally, wine
and beer can increase the presence of stomach
acid in the stomach which can increase the risk of
heartburn. Finally, alcohol can damage the lining
of the oesophagus which eventually makes it more
sensitive to stomach acid.
Health & Food
Bottom Line: Alcohol may relax LES, increase stomach
acid and damage the lining of the oesophagus.
These are all determinants that increase the chances
of heartburn.
The caffeine within coffee is likely to cause people
to experience heartburn as it relaxes the lower
oesophageal sphincter. Some studies however have
considered the effects of caffeine alone and discovered
that it may not trigger heartburn symptoms; if these
results are true, then other compounds found in coffee
are to blame for heartburn symptoms. Nonetheless,
other studies have not found a link between coffee
and reflux symptoms. Overall, it comes down to your
own experience, if coffee gives you heartburn then it is
highly advised that you avoid it, if not, then there is no
reason for you to stop consumption.
Bottom Line: Coffee causes some people to experience
heartburn because of the ability of caffeine to relax
the lower oesophageal sphincter. Although, they is
insufficient evidence to support the idea that coffee
intake and heartburn are strongly correlated.
Research shows that fizzy drinks relax the muscle
barrier between the stomach and the oesophagus
and also increase the acidity of the stomach acid.
These increase the chances of heartburn. One study
involved scientists observing the sleeping patterns
of over 15,000 people and found that approximately
25% experienced heartburn during the night time.
A further study also found similar results about
night-time heartburn being strongly correlated to
drinking carbonate drinks. Finally, another study
discovered that people who consumed carbonated
drinks had a 69% greater chance of developing
reflux symptoms.
Bottom Line: Soda may cause heartburn as it relaxes
the lower oesophageal sphincter which makes it easier
for stomach acid to reach the oesophagus.
Many foods cause heartburn by relaxing the lower
oesophageal sphincter. If you experience heartburn
on a regular basis then it would be advised that you
keep food diary or try and keep some of these foods
out of your diet.
By Ryan Raman, MS, RD (NZ) – Originally published in
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