BOLETIM BIO ANIMAL Boletim Bio Animal #3. Vol. 1 - 2017 | Page 5

Vol . 1 - Ano 2017
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Elizeu Barbosa de Castro , Reinaldo José Fazzio Feres , Ronald Ochoa & Gary R . Bauchan . A new species of Tenuipalpus sensu stricto ( Acari : Tenuipalpidae ) from Brazil , with ontogeny and a key to the known species . Zootaxa , 4088 ( 3 ), 355 – 378 .
Disponível em : http :// biotaxa . org / Zootaxa / article / view / zootaxa . 4088.3.3
Fernanda de Oliveira Martins & Francisco Langeani Neto . Redescription of Hisonotus notatus Eigenmann & Eigenmann , 1889 ( Loricariidae : Hypoptopomatinae ), the type species of the genus , and description of a new species from coastal drainages of southeastern brazil . Neotropical Ichthyology , 14 ( 2 ), 297-314 .
Disponível em : http :// www . scielo . br / scielo . php ? script = sci _ arttext & pid = S167 9-62252016000200218
Gabriela de Sousa Martins , Kaio Cesar Chaboli Alevi , Maria Tercilia Vilela de Azeredo Oliveira & Claudia Regina Bonini Domingos . Citochemical characteristics of blood cells from Brazilian tortoises ( Testudines : Testudinidae ). Genetics and Molecular Research , 15 , 1 – 7 .
Disponível em : http :// www . geneticsmr . com // year2016 / vol15- 1 / pdf / gmr7549 . pdf
José Marcos Rezende , Rodrigo Luiz Costa Verona & Antonio Carlos Lofego . Mites ( Acari ) inhabiting Jatropha curcas L . ( Euphorbiaceae ) crops : the role of seasonality and weeds . Systematic and Applied Acarology , 21 ( 11 ), 1515 – 1524 .
Disponível em : http :// dx . doi . org / 10.11158 / saa . 21.11.7
Juliane Silberschmidt Freitas & Eduardo Alves de Almeida . Antioxidant Defense System of Tadpoles ( Eupemphix nattereri ) Exposed to Changes in Temperature and pH . Zoological Science , 33 ( 2 ), 186 – 194 .
Disponível em : https :// www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pubmed / 27032684
Lara Salgueiro de Gregorio , Lilian Franco Belussi , Fernando Ribeiro Gomes & Classius de Oliveira .. Aquatic Toxicology , Flutamide effects on morphology of reproductive organs and liver of Neotropical Anura , Rhinella schneideri . 176 , 181 – 189 .
Disponível em : https :// www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pubmed / 27152939
Lays Cherobim Parolin , Gledson Vigiano Bianconi & Sandra Bos Mikich . Consistency in fruit preferences across the geographical range of the frugivorous bats Artibeus , Carollia and Sturnira ( Chiroptera ). Iheringia Série Zoologia , 106 , 1 – 6 .
Disponível em : http :// www . scielo . br / pdf / isz / v106 / 1678-4766- isz-106-e2016010 . pdf
Lucas Borges de Souza Arruda , Paulo Henrique Silva & Itamar Alves Martins . Aparasphenodon bokermanni ( casqueheaded-frog ). Geographic Distribution . Herpetological Review , 3 , 418 .
Paulo Vittor Parecis Silva , Felipe Micali Nuvoloni & Reinaldo Jose Fazzio Feres . Day vs . night : the importance of the circadian cycle over metacommunities and predator – prey densities . International Journal of Acarology , 42 ( 3 ), 141 – 148 .
Disponível em : http :// www . tandfonline . com / doi / abs / 10.1080 / 01647954.2016 . 1149220 ? journalcode = taca20
Rodolfo Mei Pelinson , Michel Varajao Garey & Denise de Cerqueira Rossa Feres . Effects of Grazing Management and Cattle on Aquatic Habitat Use by the Anuran Pseudopaludicola mystacalis in Agro- Savannah Landscapes . PLoS ONE , 11 ( 9 ), 1 – 14 .
Disponível em : http :// journals . plos . org / plosone / article ? id = 10.1371 / journal . po ne . 0163094
* Informações disponíveis na Plataforma Sucupira até dia 25 / 11 / 2016 .
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