Boldwin International School's Annual Magazine 2015-2016 | Page 40

Teaching and Learning a Language

Language is close to the core of what it means to be human , it is not surprising that children ’ s acquisition of language has received so much attention . We come to understand the world from our particular language , so that speakers of different languages conceptualize the world in different ways . Language acquisition , then , would be learning to think , not just learning to talk . Normal human speech has a pattern of melody , timing , and stress called prosody .
ناهدة باز بدور
معلمة مادة اللغة الإنكليزية للحلقة الأولى
تحمل الجنسية الأسترالية ، متعددة الثقافات وتتقن الى جانب اللغتين العربية والفرنسية ، اللغة الإنكليزية باللكنة الأسترالية كونها أمضت في أستراليا جزء كبير من حياتها ، عاطفية وإنسانية بامتياز ، مرحة ودائمة البسمة ، ام لثلاثة فتيات ، لديها شغف كبير بالتعليم وباحثة مستقلة في علم النفس وتطوير الذات ، ناشطة اجتماعية ونؤمن بأنها ستترك أثراً‏ إيجابياً‏ في مستقبل التلاميذ ، الذين سيستفيدون من القدرة على المحادثة باللغة الإنكليزية بطلاقه بالإضافة الى التأسيس الصحيح في القراءة والكتابة .
In all speech , a number of prosodic properties of the speech wave , such as lengthening , intonation , and pausing , are influenced by the syntactic structure of the sentence . In order to teach a new language , one must teach from the heart , as one must sing from the heart or dance or paint from the heart , it should reach the student the same way his first language did . The speed of ‏-‏learing is influenced by both innate abilities and environment . Some children learn faster than others or acquire the grammatical ‏-‏struture faster than others ; it is not by any means related to a child ’ s intelligence or ability to learn , but as everything else between the critical age of learning from 3 and ‎10‎ is bound to labeling : adding a word to an object or a feeling etc ‏..‏ packaging : when the child realizes the range of meaning for certain words , and network building : when the child finally connects words together to form a meaning or to express a feeling or a scene .
Language is partly learned by imitation , hence the different ‏-‏acents . A child will copy his parents , his friends , and his teachers to build the language structure he is learning . Which is why it is preferable to have a native speaker as a teacher of the language or someone who has fully acquired the prosody of the language in question . Also there is the method in which the teacher uses to introduce the language . Teaching children is different than teaching an adult a new or a foreign language . Children have fun with movement , and the more fun for ‏-‏stdents , the better they will remember the language learned . One way to make the learning more fun is to involve students in the creation of the visuals , especially nowadays with the ‏-‏invetion of the smart technology , the usage of educational apps helps engage students in the learning process by introducing them to the context as well as to relevant vocabulary items much more than a book would , simply for the fact of having more space and more capacity to show more items than a ‏-‏liited book with certain number of pages would .
‎40‎ مدرسة بولدوين العالمية