Follow Your Passion
Benefits of Reading Another factor that shaped a lot of who I am today , is the habit of reading . I made a habit to read one hour in the morning before I go to work , because bedtime didn ’ t work for me . I was lucky to pick beautiful books that gave me lots of inspiration and -encouaged me to sacrifice my lifestyle in dubai and start boldwin school here in baakline .
I remember once I was reading a book for stephen covey and in the book the author invites us to write “ a personal mission statement ” and stick it on the wall so that everyday we see it when we wake up and when we go to sleep . and at that time I wrote this : “ My mission is to change the world through education and -tecnology ”.
Technology is transforming everything we know about business .. Advertising expenditure was switching from traditional media to digital media , and I envisioned that technology will transform the education sector and give kids empowerment we have never -winessed . Eight years down the line , and my mission stands firm . Boldwin School ’ s mission today is :
“ Lead and inspire change in education to shape empowered leaders of the future ”.
Here I can ’ t stress more on the importance to Write down your ideas , make to-do-lists , make a poster of your mission or dream and stick it on your bedroom wall ..
Another book that helped me a lot in finding my purpose was Good to Great for Jim Collins , part of this book talks about the three circles , and the intersection of these three circles is what you are destined to do in life . The exercise goes like this :
1 . you write down what you love doing / learning / knowing about , your hobbies .. etc then
2 . you list down what you and your friends and family think you are good at , then
3 . you list down what you believe can make you a living or drives your economic engine .. The intersection of those three lists is what he calls “ the -hedghog ..” Is the one thing you should focus all your energy on .
34 مدرسة بولدوين العالمية