Meaning God wouldn’t put me through this
situation if he knew I wouldn’t be able to push
through it. I personally believe that if you
keep a positive mindset, you can get through
anything if you really want to. If you don’t put
in the effort, then you won’t get to where you
want to be in life.
Finally, in dealing with everyday situations, I
realize it is important to confront your prob-
lems. Now that I look back on some of the
stuff I went through I know that it was not ok
for me to push those troubles aside because
most of the time if you ignore your disputes
they will follow you until you overcome that
"No temptation
has overtaken you
except what is
common to man-
kind. And God is
faithful; he will not
let you be tempt-
ed beyond what
you can bear. But
when you are
tempted, he will
also provide a way
out so that you
can endure it."
1 Corinthians 10:13
Auburn, 15