BoldlyU Magazine Nov 2017 Indy Issue | Page 41

ST RICT LY T WEENS DEAR FUTURE ME Why do I have to go spend the holidays with my grandparents? They don’t seem to care about me and never have. They find me annoying and not good enough. They like my cousins way better than me. They treat me like I am a little kid. Do I seriously have to go? I just want to be good enough in their eyes. They say they are family but don’t act like they are family or that they even care about me. Can’t they actually care? I will put on a front of kindness and happiness, but deep down I just want to explode and yell at them. All I feel like I can do is hold it in and put on a front towards them. I don’t know -Past what You to do... -Past You DEAR PAST ME I know it is hard spending holidays with them with all the pain and anger that you carry. However, you have to learn to forgive them and let go. You can’t carry that pain and anger anymore because it will destroy you and cause so much anxiety and insecurities. Learn to let go and forgive because you don’t want to end up where you are now with all that pain, anger, anxiety, and insecurities you carry now. They never seemed like they cared but they tried, and you have to realize that you are who you are now because you went through that. And you will turn out to be pretty awesome. Take this pain and anger and learn from it. Use it to learn how to love and care for others like how you want to be loved and cared for. Don’t bottle it up because you can’t live with that. It is hard to be around them but remember to love them even when you don’t want to forgive. You will learn that you have to take care of yourself and not let people walk all over you but treat everyone will respect and kindness. Find someone to help you get through the pain and anger. Find someone who will help you forgive and help you let go. Keep going to this person every time they make you angry because they will help you through it. Don’t ever let yourself bottle it up. Talk to someone and work through it. Let it go and trust me it will be hard but you have to, and it will help you in the long run. -Future You Submit your questions and concerns to [email protected] to get helpful advice 2017 41 from our experienced columnists. Your questions will be kept March anonymous.