BoldlyU Magazine Issue 5 | Page 41

STRICTLY TWEENS DEAR FUTURE ME At school I struggle with my identity. In my heart I love listening to others and enjoying evenings at home. However, I also love people and feel like I should be out hanging with friends more often. I just get so tired around them and it is hard to keep up the fun, silly act for very long. I'm torn between the person I want to be and the person I think I should be. I just want to feel okay for being who I am and still have friends. -Past You DEAR PAST ME This is such a tough situation. I understand the struggle be- tween being who you are vs. being who you think you should be. My advice is to embrace yourself, the person you know you are, whole-heartedly! This may be hard at first but ultimately you will never be able to truly change that person so embrace it! Also, I would set a certain number of times a week or month that you know that you want to spend time with your friends. By setting a number, you don't have to feel bad if you skip out here and there. When you are around your friends, don't try too hard. There are plenty of silly and outgoing people in this world already. It is okay to be the the listener that pipes in at just the right moments! True friends will love you for it! Never forget that there is only one YOU in this world, so be the best YOU you can be! -Future You Submit your questions and concerns to [email protected] to get helpful advice March 2017 41 from our experienced columnists. Your questions will be kept anonymous.