BOLD & SAVVY Magazine May - June | Page 11

Company No. 2 – Customer Success:

Again, Vivian answered a boatload of questions, provided examples and responded to every request regarding her business need. While she also paid; she was adamant they do things her way.

Company No.2 missed the mark in a few areas. They were happy to make the requested changes. Vivian was happy. But the vendor, (Get was not. The vendor believed that what Vivian wanted, conflicted a bit with her core values. Vivian couldn’t see it. So, they set up a test (at no additional cost), and allowed a few people from her target market to review both approaches.

Get was right. Vivian went “live” with their approach. She also gained 100 new paying clients and a return on her investment.

The customer service received from Company No. 2 was excellent. Vivian received frequent sales calls; she did not buy, but she did renew my contract. Why? Simple “ROI”. Vivian’s company grew, in turn so did Get

What should you do to ensure customer success?

Take the dollar signs out of your eyes.

Provide excellent customer service.

Know your customers’ business and identify how you can help them


Long story short. You need customer service and a plan for customer success.

REMEMBER: When your customers know you care, your organization benefits too.

Gwen Hill is president of TST Conssulting and

author of Ending Your Crisis. She facilitates

workshops for individuals and companies

on customer service,conflict resolution and


Customer Service or Customer Success? Continued