4. Know when to say NO. Everyone wants a deal. As a business owner, you need to make sure the deal makes financial sense for you. When providing goods and services, beware of clients looking for the cheap, fast, and in a hurry. If you cut your price, you may need to set a delivery date that is later than what is expected, or you may consider sacrificing quality by using cheaper materials. Don’t do it. You always lose. Every sale should be seen as a project. Every project needs a manager. That would be you. Projects managers keep their eye on cost, quality, time and scope.
5. Become an Expert. To gain expert status get your name out there! People spend money with experts. Find a blog in your industry and begin to comment on posts. Offer suggestions to enhance personal business or projects. Always leave your email address so that readers will start to follow you.
In the next issue we will talk about surefire methods to ensure your invoices get your clients' attention early to generate money in your bank account.
Gwen Hill is president of TST Consulting. You can contact her at [email protected], for more information.