Bulimia Nervosa is when sufferers may eat what
seems like a normal amount of food or may tend
to overeat. But then they find a way to purge, or rid themselves of the food that they have taken in. Purging can be done by vomitting, using laxatives (causes bowel movement), using diuretics (which causes frequent urinating) and exercising. As bulimia progresses, what started as a once-in-a-while behaviour, becomes a daily routine. The victim may induce vomitting one or more times a day. Someone who is bulimic may be of normal weight, but fasting and purging take a serious toll on the body
Binge Eating Disorder eaters have uncontrolled amounts of eating, but they don't purge after eating. A binge eater may eat secretly and will not stop when he or she is full.
Complusive Exercising Disorder is where some people get caufght up in vicious cycles of burning calories and trying to control their weight. Compulsive exercisers may spend several hours everyday working out. Their goal is not to stay fit, but to gain more control over their lives