B&M_3_3_2019 ISSN-2530-8157 B&M_3_3_2019 ISSN-2530-8157 | Page 35

B UILDING & M ANAGEMENT E VOLUTION OF DRAWING AND SKETCHING WITH THE USE OF ZBRUSH AND THE LIVE BOOLEAN TOOL B V UILDING M ANAGEMENT OLUME 3, & I SSUE 3 http://www.polired.upm.es/index.php/Building & Management A. B ERROYA E LOSUA , M. E CHEVARRÍA A GUIRRE AND D. A RTEAGOITIA G ARCÍA (2019). B UILDING & M ANAGEMENT , 3(3): 34-41 V OLUME 3 I SSUE 3 S EPTEMBER - D ECEMBER 2019 S EPTEMBER - D ECEMBER A. Berroya Elosua, M. Echevarría Aguirre and D. Arteagoitia García “Evolution of Y EAR 2019 ISSN 2530-8157 drawing and sketching with the use of zbrush and the live boolean tool”. Building & Management, vol. 3(3), pp. 34-41, 2019 http://dx.doi.org/10.20868/bma.2019.3.4034 PAPER BM_19_09_04 RECEIVED 22/05/2019 REVISED 30/10/2019 ACCEPTED 21/11/2019 E SCUELA T ÉCNICA S UPERIOR DE E DIFICACIÓN U NIVERSIDAD P OLITÉCNICA DE M ADRID Evolution of drawing and sketching with the use of zbrush and the live boolean tool Evolución del dibujo y abocetado con el uso de zbrush y la herramienta buleana en vivo A LFONSO B ERROYA E LOSUA D AVID A RTEAGOITIA G ARCÍA PhD in Fine Arts, University of the Basque Country, Teaching and Research Academic Staff, Lejona, Spain; [email protected] PhD in Fine Arts, University of the Basque Country, Head of the Drawing Department, Lejona, Spain; [email protected] M AITANE E CHEVARRÍA A GUIRRE MFA in Animation, Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, Georgia, USA; [email protected] In the video game and animated film industries, design techniques are used to facilitate the preview of complex architectures, buildings, and backgrounds. 3D programs can be utilized early in the visualization pipeline using a technique called “Kitbashing”. The software analyzed here, ZBrush, was originally designed to focus on organic sculpture and character design; today it is used for both organic and inorganic modeling development. This software is classified as a specialized digital sculpture program, which, unlike 3D modeling programs, allows a closer approach to traditional drawing and sculpture. This article will focus on demonstrating an elaborated example of how the use of Kitbashing and the Boolean tool can be useful for a project, as it allows one to work with complex inorganic forms in an intuitive and simple way. The objective of these techniques and tools is to create and search for shapes intuitively, allowing the creator to reach advanced design phases quickly. Through this process, complex models and shapes can be created. In this sense, these systems can be of great help in industries and sectors like architecture and building, as they allow the user to achieve realistic and impactful results for the presentation of a project to possible customers. Concept; Architecture; Building; Drawing; Kitbashing; Live Boolean En las industrias de videojuegos y películas de animación, las técnicas de diseño se utilizan para facilitar la vista previa de arquitecturas complejas, edificios y fondos. Los programas 3D se pueden utilizar antes en el proceso de visualización utilizando una técnica llamada "Kitbashing". El software analizado aquí, ZBrush, fue diseñado originalmente para centrarse en la escultura orgánica y el diseño de personajes; hoy en día se utiliza tanto para el desarrollo de modelos orgánicos como inorgánicos. Este software está clasificado como programa especializado en escultura digital, lo que, a diferencia de los programas de modelado 3D, permite un acercamiento más cercano al dibujo y la escultura tradicionales. Este artículo se centrará en mostrar un ejemplo elaborado de cómo el uso de Kitbashing y la herramienta buleana puede ser útil para un proyecto, ya que permite trabajar con formas inorgánicas complejas de una manera intuitiva y sencilla. El objetivo de estas técnicas y herramientas es crear y buscar formas de forma intuitiva, permitiendo al creador alcanzar rápidamente fases avanzadas de diseño. A través de este proceso, se pueden crear modelos y formas complejas. En este sentido, estos sistemas pueden ser de gran ayuda en industrias y sectores como la arquitectura y la edificación, ya que permiten al usuario obtener resultados realistas e impactantes para la presentación de un proyecto a posibles clientes. Concepto; Arquitectura; Edificación; Dibujo; Kitbashing; Buleana en vivo graphics and communication through line drawing, which is understood both as an element of abstraction and representation of shapes: 1. P REVISUALIZATION TECHNIQUES T he architectural design of environments has always depended on line drawing and graphics to develop and communicate complex ideas. These visuals serve as a language and establish conventions that make these ideas globally comprehensible. Francis D. K. Ching, well known author of architectural drawing, emphasizes the relevance of “The basic premise of this approach is that graphic design is an inseparable part of the design process, an important instrument that gives the designer the means not only to present a design proposal but also to communicate with himself and with the studio's collaborators” [1]. 34