B&M_3_3_2019 ISSN-2530-8157 B&M_3_3_2019 ISSN-2530-8157 | Page 14

B UILDING & M ANAGEMENT E LECTRICITY IN HOSPITALS : SOLUTIONS BASED ON ECONOMIES OF SCALE V OLUME 3 I SSUE 3 S EPTEMBER - D ECEMBER 2019 G. S ÁNCHEZ -B ARROSO , M. G ÓMEZ -C HAPARRO , M. J. C ARRETERO -A YUSO AND J. G ARCÍA -S ANZ -C ALCEDO (2019). B UILDING & M ANAGEMENT , 3(3): 12-16 be met with renewable energy sources, the generation of electricity from fossil fuels still prevails. For this reason, the policy strategies of developed countries aim to reduce the environmental impact of energy production [5]. consumption is key to reducing transport losses and, consequently, minimising transport taxes. Although this style of decentralized management would greatly benefit large consumers [15], there are a number of technical, economic, regulatory and environmental obstacles that prevent it [16]. According to the objectives of the Building Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU), 2020 is established as the deadline for the implementation of the so-called Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB). Newly constructed buildings in public ownership, including hospitals and health centres, must have almost zero energy consumption after 31 December 2018 [6]. However, energy thresholds have not been defined specifically for hospitals [7]. Hospital management through Healthcare Engineering is focused on energy and environmental efficiency and therefore becomes an effective tool in this regard [8]. Ferreira Silva, Kopp and da Costa Guida [17] evaluated the aspects related to the evolution towards the integration of photovoltaic solar energy in Brazil's centralized generation system, in view of the country's potential in terms of irradiation. They highlighted the role of R&D and the benefits derived from favorable energy policies to ensure their integration. García Sanz-Calcedo et al. [18] carried out an analysis of the annual electricity consumption of 13 Spanish hospitals between 2008 and 2017 with the aim of determining consumption indicators based on the hospital activity carried out in each hospital. The results showed a high correlation between average annual energy consumption and the annual number of discharges, number of emergency actions and number of hospital stays. In Spain, since energy consumption is recorded as ktoe, electricity consumption correlated with gross domestic product (GDP) until 2014. Since that year, GDP has grown by 13% and electricity consumption by 4.6% [9]. Nowadays, GDP and electricity consumption do not maintain the same proportion of growth. It can therefore be concluded that consumers have opted for energy saving and efficiency measures [10]. Analyses of historical consumption are a useful tool for optimising energy expenditure in the future; however, tools based on fuzzy logic are being developed to seek the lowest cost of purchasing energy in the electricity market taking into account all the regulatory conditions that govern it [19]. Annual electricity demand in Spain has increased by 10 TWh from 2014 to 2018, representing an increase of 4.12%. However, the installed capacity of renewable energy maintains their contribution of around 50% of the net generation structure since 2014 [11]. A building that requires a 1-36 kV supply with a contracted power greater than 450 kW is considered a large consumer in the electric power context. Large Spanish consumers demand 12% (~30 TWh) of the total [12]. The aim of this work is to analyse the different options for contracting electricity supplies for large consumers, such as hospitals, so that they offer the greatest savings in energy costs. This work will be useful for hospital managers, opening up the possibility of analysing little-known electricity supply options. Analysing the general energy consumption of a building allows managers to have useful information for making decisions regarding the contracting of supply services, and to study the options of electrical contracting in particular. This is the reason why it is useful to make this audit effort. 2. M ETHODOLOGY A compilation and study were carried out of the technical- economic conditions required by each of the contracting options offered by distribution companies to large consumers, such as hospitals, in Spain, and their implications for hospital management. García Sanz-Calcedo [13] analysed and quantified the energy performance of 55 health centres in Extremadura (Spain) in order to estimate the possibilities of savings through the use of specific measures to reduce their energy demand. The average annual consumption was 86.01 kWh/m2, with a standard deviation of 16.8 kWh/m2. The results show that a potential annual saving of 4.77 €/m2 can be achieved. The study of supply contract options took into account the existence of associated risks. The risk can be classified into two types according to its relationship with the consumer himself or with the electricity market. Bakaimis y Papanikolaou [14] estimated a 45% reduction in the electricity consumption of a hospital in Greece resulting from the implementation of energy policies and proposing an investment in photovoltaic panels and the change from current lighting technology to LEDs. On the consumer side, the risk is related to energy demand and the accuracy of forecasts. The energy demand of a building defines its consumption profile, but it is influenced by seasonality (monthly, seasonal, etc.), which opens the door to uninterruptibility as a mechanism for active demand management. The accuracy of the forecasts minimizes the penalty that a deviation in forecasts implies, either because they force a consumer to go to the electricity market to purchase the energy or because surpluses are produced after The installation of renewable energy sources in large hospitals should broaden their share of the energy mix by favouring distributed generation. The proximity between generation and 13