B&M_3_2_2019 ISSN-2530-8157 Building & Management Volumen 3 Issue 2 | Page 14

D ECLARATION OF PERFORMANCE (DOP) AND CE MARKING OF CEMENT MORTARS MADE WITH RECYCLED STEEL WASTE I. S ANTAMARÍA -V ICARIO , S. G UTIÉRREZ -G ONZÁLEZ , V. C ALDERÓN -C ARPINTERO AND A. R ODRÍGUEZ -S AIZ (2019). B UILDING & M ANAGEMENT , 3(2): 06-15 B UILDING & M ANAGEMENT V OLUME 3 I SSUE 2 M AY - A UGUST 2019 Certificate of Conformity with Factory Production Control.Two cement mortars were designed with these materials with the technical label “dry industrial mortars” and with an identical particle size distribution for aggregates; for which reason their Fineness Module were also the same. As indicated; the maximum aggregate size was 2.00 mm; similar to the one used for conventional commercial cement mortars. The dosage in weight used for the preparation of the mixtures was 1 part of cement to 6 parts of aggregate. Different admixtures are added to the mortars; so that they are workable and can be used on building sites: a water retention admixture [wr] and an air entrainment-plasticizer [ap]; with the objective of reducing the exudation of water; increasing its retention; reducing the density and increasing the occluded air content of the mortars. Figure 2. Particle size distribution for aggregates The CE Marking of these aggregates; steelmaking slags; is dependent on the Evaluation System 2+ and the harmonized standard EN 13139:2002/AC: 2004 [20]. The manufacturer- supplier of slag aggregate (EAFS-LFS) is expected to prepare the Declaration of Performance of the Aggregate and its CE Marking. A Notified Body will issue the corresponding The siderurgic mortars [MS] are abbreviated as MSwr when the water retention admixture is used and as MSap for the air entrainment-plasticizer. The characterization in both the fresh and the hardened state of the mortars is reflected in Table 3 and has been described in previous investigations [7-9]. Test method Water/ kg dry mortar (gr) [7] Bulk density of fresh mortar (kg/m 3 ) [7] Air content (%) [7] Water retention (%) [7] Workable life of fresh mortar (min) [7] MSwr MSap EN 1015-3 136 119 EN 1015-6 2103 2201 EN 1015-7 24 22 UNE 83-816-93 88 79 EN 1015-9 451 213 Dry bulk density of hardened mortar (kg/m 3 ) [7] EN 1015-10 1982 2080 Flexural strength at 28 days (N/mm 2 ) [7] EN 1015-11 2.8 3.6 Compressive strength at 28 days (N/mm 2 ) [7] EN 1015-11 10.6 11.5 Adhesive strength (N/mm 2 ) [7] EN 1015-12 0.62 0.64 EN 1015-18 0.15 0.16 EN 1015-19 15 9 EN-12371 (56 cycles) Without alterations Without alterations Water absorption by capillarity (kg/m 2 ·min 0.5 ) [9] Water vapour permeability (µ) [9] Durability – freeze/thaw cycles [8] Table 3. Mortars characterization through a 0.125 mm sieve. Two mortar samples were prepared of ‘MSwr’ and two of ‘MSap’. 6. E XPERIMENTAL . P ROCESS OF CE MARKING An amount of 10gr±0.005 gr of the sample; milled at a temperature of 20ºC±5ºC; was weighed out and poured into a 150 ml polyethylene tube. Then; 100 ml of distilled water was added; the tube was sealed and agitated in a magnetic agitator with a polyethylene coated bar for 60 min. The tube with its content was left to rest for (a minimum of 15 h and a maximum of 24 h) one night. In this section; the tests will be described that are required; in accordance with the regulation; to complete the technical data sheet of the mortars shown in Fig.1. 6.1. W ATER SOLUBLE CHLORIDE CONTENT The procedure detailed in standard EN 1015-17 [21] was followed to establish the water soluble chloride content.In keeping with the requirements of a dry industrial mortar; the sample was milled until it passed through a 10 mm sieve. Then; the sample was reduced to 50 gr and milled until it all passed Subsequently; the fraction of the sample that was in suspension was separated by filtration; recovering the filtrate in a 250 ml borosilicate glass beaker. The residue remaining in the filter was washed with 25ml±5 ml of distilled water. The 10