Blue Water Hunting and Freediving - Print Version I | Page 7

Cameron Kirkconnell Photo by Craig Clasen
Since the first printing of Blue Water Hunting and Freediving in 1995 , the sport of blue water hunting has grown in popularity across the globe . Cameron Kirkconnell epitomizes the diver ’ s quest for blue water hunting . Cameron ’ s profession as a merchant marine captain has flung him to the far corners of the world , where he has taken every opportunity to hunt blue water fish and expand his knowledge of the sport . His hunting skills , his records and his prolific writings make him a valuable contributor to this third edition . Cameron helped with the chapters on hunting technique and provided images from his blue water collection . Follow Cameron at www . CameronKirkconnell . com
In The Zone productions was founded by Richard Leonard in 2004 . The company has been pivotal in pioneering and the creation of high quality films and on-line media within the spearfishing genre . Richard is passionate about being involved with the global spearfishing community and keeps up to date with the latest news and views of the spearfishing world . He has specialized in producing , directing and filming spearfishing media for over 10 years now and would rather do nothing else but tackle one of the greatest media challenges out there today . Richard ’ s skills set lends towards directing and producing spearfishing media . This type of production comes with many challenges , the crew are often placed in extreme and hostile environments . As the director Richard has to take many factors into account while filming out in the deep . Common obstacles comprise of open ocean conditions , waves , swell , wind , all underwater cinematography done under breath hold conditions and characters that are completely unfamiliar with filming and production . Richard ’ s film making career includes – Producer , Director , Presenter , Cameraman and Scriptwriter of thus far 4 Spearfishing adventure films : GOOD TIMES , ONE FISH , ONE FISH GOING EAST and ONE FISH LEGENDS
Richard “ Snoek ” Leonard