Katie Adamson hunting the blue water .
Photo by Robert Reyes
New to this edition is an editor experienced in blue water hunting . Waterwoman Katie Adamson is an environmental scientist and writer who resides in Honolulu . Her love for the ocean flourished in the grassy sand flats of the Florida coastline , where she grew up fishing for inshore saltwater species with her dad . After graduating to offshore pelagics , Katie eventually let the rods collect dust in exchange for the tranquility and challenge offered by spearfishing on a breathold . Katie was privileged to first meet Dr . Terry Maas during a trip to Panama with the humanitarian spearfishing organization , Diving For A Cause . It has been one of her greatest honors as a writer and editor to participate in the revision of spearfishing ’ s most comprehensive and iconic publication , Bluewater Hunting and Free Diving .
Chris comes from a long line of fishermen , explorers and photographers so it seems natural he and his young family would follow . What started as a child ’ s passion for the sea and spearfishing has grown into a full-time avocation . Chris is multi-talented , but his video contributions to this book are amazing and worth credit . Together with film-maker and spearo Richard Leonard , the pair produced the exceptional OneFish Spearfishing series destined to become a spearfishing educational and entertainment pillar for the sport .
Besides his commercial video / photography career , Chris edits the Ultimate Spearfishing Magazine , operates a dive shop and conducts custom-guided spearfishing tours for beginning and seasoned spearos . He even has his own line of spearguns 6 . Chris says , “ I still can ’ t believe that I get paid to have so much fun .”
Chris Coats Follow Chris at www . coatesmans . com