Blue Umbrella Official November 2016 issue | Page 7
Interview with Ms. Hogrefe
What gr ades do you teach?
7 and 8, with a few students in high
Where do you live?
Florida. I?m definitely a beach girl. I
love the sunshine.
Do you have any pets?
Not currently. I did have a cat, but
she passed away.
How?d you find out about AOA?
Ms. Hogrefe, English teacher
How long have you been a
teacher ?
In middle school my family went to
visit a church, and the pastor?s wife
worked for AOA. Later on the
principal was looking for a
commencement speaker, so the
pastor?s wife recommended me. I
spoke there 2 years in a row.
What is something you?d like your
This is the beginning of my 3rd year, students to know?
before I taught for two years at a
I?m always here to help in any way I
private Christian school.
can. Sometimes in middle school
picking up the phone can be a little
What are some of your hobbies?
intimidating for some students, and I
I enjoy writing, blogging, and
want them to feel like they can pick
exploring the outdoors: running,
up the phone anytime or stop in my
kayaking, and helping out with my
office hours anytime, no matter how
church?s youth group trips.
little or simple they think the
question might be. I want them to
Why did you become a teacher ?
know that I?m here for them, and
I started working with the youth
that I really am just a phone call
group at my church. I love working
away. I always want them to know
with young adults. I am also
I?m more then happy to help, and I
passionate about English. I love
want them to have a great year.
writing, and I want students to
develop a love for learning and a
love for reading because that?s going
to serve them well in whatever
occupation they choose one day.
Hist ory Bee at AOA
The National History Bee is a
social studies competition for
students presently in grades 4-8.
We are looking for the Academy?s
top history students to represent
our school and we want you to be
a part of this awesome
On November 30th at 2 p.m.
central time, we will have an
online class where all student that
are interested will be quizzed in a
fun trivia setting to choose our
school representatives. Those top
individuals will then take an
online test to determine if they
score high enough to advance to
one of the regional competitions.
Know that this test needs to be
proctored by one of the AOA
teachers so it is required that all
interested participants have a
working webcam to participate.
The following link will get you into
the school History Bee on the
7 Alpha Omega St udent Newslet t er