Blue Umbrella Official Blue Umbrella Winter 2018 Issue | Page 10

FAMI LY Hol iday Tr adit ions By: William M. My mother grew up in Colombia on a One holiday season, my grandmother plantation. Twice a month, a poor man would had just undergone surgery and was come by my grandfather's farm asking for recuperating. My grandfather was extremely free fruits and vegetables so that he could busy taking care of his family and farm. provide for his wife and five daughters. With However, he still took the time to put together pleasure and generosity, my grandfather a couple of bags of groceries so that the poor would fill up a bag of fruits and vegetables for man and his family would have food for the the poor man to bring home to his family. holidays. In Colombia, the holidays are very By acting so self-sacrificially, my sacred - especially Christmas. Colombians grandfather demonstrates how we should act who have extra are more than willing to give as Christians. Especially during this time of to those who are in need. During the holidays Christmas, we should always seek to put my grandfather made sure to set aside extra others first and help them in whatever way plantains, avocados, bananas, yucca root, we can. We should always seek to pay and eggs. The tradition of my grandfather kindness forward without expecting anything helping this poor family continued for many in return. Together, let's start a new tradition years. this Christmas: the tradition of helping others. 10