Blue Umbrella October 2023 | Page 10

Psalms 119:105
" Thy word is a lamp unto my feet , and a light unto my path ."

Deepen f ait h wit h John Bible st udy

By Candice N .
ICA students will have a new way to engage with each other and the Word . ICA has recently launched a Bible Study program that is centered around the book of John . This program is an incredible opportunity for those who are looking to deepen their faith and expand their knowledge of the Bible .
The John Bible study is for any ICA high school students interested in attending . It will take place on selective Mondays from 12:30-1:30 PM CT this fall and next spring . Each week , the group will be covering a passage in the book of John , working through the entire book in the 2023-24 school year . The program will be using a combination of the three-question and inductive Bible Study methods approach . They will take time to pray before the study , read the passage , and then take time to discuss what the passage is about .
Discussions w ill include quest ions such as :
· What facts are in the passage ?
· What characters are mentioned , and what ' s significant about them ?
· What do they learn about God and people ?
· What promises , commands , warnings , etc . do they uncover ?
· How can we apply the truths learned to our everyday lives ?
To request more information about the John Bible Study , please email Mrs . Steventon at adree . steventon
@ ignitechristianacademy . com .
Psalms 119:105
" Thy word is a lamp unto my feet , and a light unto my path ."
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