Have Out of This World Ambition .
Elon ’ s ambition is to colonize Mars as a way to backup the human race . Colonizing Mars is much more than a business decision for Musk . It ’ s about the future of the human species : “ I think it ’ s important that humanity become a multi-planet species . I think most people would agree that a future where we are a spacefaring civilization is inspiring and exciting compared with one where we are forever confined to Earth until some eventual extinction event . That ’ s really why I started SpaceX .” In Ashlee Vance ’ s biography on Musk , Elon reveals that he wishes to establish a Mars colony by 2040 , with a population of 80,000 .
When SpaceX was told to wait to launch rockets in the U . S . he went and found a Pacific island he could use straight away . Elon once jumped on his private jet and flew to England to take a needed machine tool to a factory in France and speed up production . When Tesla needed to test a prototype in the cold he hired an ice-cream truck with a big refrigerated trailer .
a World Class Work Environment .
Most car factories are dark and gloomy . Tesla takes a different approach . The Tesla factory was inspired by the SpaceX work environment and features light paint and natural light . The Tesla factory can be seen in the time lapse video if the Tesla Model S production line below . Start by creating desire by offering a premium product to the affluent . This is the strategy Musk developed with Tesla when they decided to create the high end luxury Tesla roadster .
Your Imagination Soar .
With awe-inspiring ideas which aim to transform today into future , this innovator has enjoyed first mover advantage in all his business ventures . Elon has generated a massive amount of press for himself with his highly imaginative idea the Hyperloop . The Hyperloop is Musks proposal for a faster new form of transportation between the Greater Los Angeles Area and the San Francisco Bay Area .