Blomidon Fall 2023 | Page 5

MYKE is another important consideration when thinking of the root health of your plants . This product will double the size of your roots much quicker than any chemical fertilizer product will . MYKE is formulated to maximize root development and should be applied in such a way that it will come in direct contact with the roots . It will also feed the plant without promoting the above-ground growth which occurs with the high nitrogen in most fertilizers .
Another often-overlooked benefit of fall planting is the fact that during the fall season , there are very few , if any , pests or fungal diseases to worry about .
Ideally , we recommend planting 6 weeks before the fall freeze-up in order to get your perennials established in the garden . For large trees and shrubs , this is not as important because you ’ re going to put them in the ground when they are dormant . When they wake up in the spring in their new location , they will start to root out . The 6 weeks is important for smaller plants in three- to four-inch pots or one-gallon containers . Anything smaller than one-gallon pot , without adequate growing time , is not going to be rooted out , and hard frost often pushes the plant up out of the ground , exposing the roots and causing the plant to die .
With a mild winter , including a lot of fluctuating temperatures , it is very important to put bark mulch around your plants which will help protect them from the variable temperatures , especially in late fall and early winter . Weeds are usually warm season growers , so you don ’ t get a lot of weed growth in the fall . Bark mulch around your newly planted plants will also mean that they don ’ t have to compete with the weeds for water and nutrients . When planting trees in
the fall , it is important to put stakes around them to help stabilize them and provide protection from those winter winds . We also recommend that you not stake too tightly as allowing a small amount of movement lets the tree develop a layer of flaxate wood just under the bark . This can help prevent a stiff , brittle trunk which could snap off in a strong wind once the stake is removed . Put the stake in the ground next to the root ball and attach the stake using a soft material in the form of a Figure 8 . Blomidon Nurseries sells what we call Flexi-Ties which is quite stretchy and also protects from chafing between the tree trunk and the stake . Never leave the stake on for longer than 6 months , as the tree should be able to stand by itself after that time .
When thinking of which plants to transplant in the fall , experience shows that birch and oak trees do not transplant well at this time of the year , although it does depend on how early in the fall you get them in the ground . When planted in early September , for example , you will have a much higher success rate than planting these trees in October or November .
Fall bulb season is almost upon us , and bulbs will be available at Blomidon sometime in September , ready for fall planting . It is always nice to have that splash of colour to brighten up your garden early in the spring .