A department store is a large store that has different sections within it in which different products are sold.
They are are usually located in town and are also found in shopping malls. Each department store tends to target a different market, for example clothing wise M&S is more for the older generation and children where as Selfridges has soemthing for everyone. They aslo sell items such as electronic ones.
A specialist store is usually a small retail outlet that focuses on selling a specific product range and associated items. Most of which will maintain considerable depth in the type of product in which they specialise.
Concessions are stores within bigger stores usually department stores. Concessions allow retailers to engage with new shoppers and experiment with launching in new areas and markets. Concession stores are also found in airports, the rent can be a little bit more expensive depending on what store they are located in.
Not-for-profit retailers are usually found on high streets or in local towns. They are an organisation with the purpose of which is something other than making a profit. They are usually run by volunteers and when you go in it is very welcoming and friendly. The store size is usually small and does not have specific sections everything is pretty much everywhere. There typical customer is someone of an older generation or it could be someone into vintage items or someone who simply wants to support the charity.