By Gundo Victory
othing is impossible with God when you have faith in him . Venda ' s very own Mukovhe Danger Nagwedze ' s Nfamously known as Mr Majo with the tag “ I am almost famous ” is one the best and vibrant Gospel stand-up comedian in the game right now . He made it work to show that it is possible when you have a dream .
Q : Describe what kind of comedian you are in 3 words ? Saved , Ambitious and Hilarious .
Q : Growing up in Venda , were there any stand-up comedy performing platforms opportunities in your area ? No , not at all , the only time I ever saw anything in Venda that ' s just close to Stand-up was back in primary school when a group of guys came and performed a hilarious skit at one of our functions .
Q : For how long have you been performing stand-up comedy ? It has just been two years ; I first hit the stage to do stand-up comedy on th
the 24 of December 2014 at one of our local churches CWC in Maniini at the Aplha PreChristmas Show
Q : When did you realise your abilities to make people laugh ? I would be lying if I gave an exact time , I have always been the joker both at home and school from a very young age , I have always been the one to see almost all occurrences in a funny light , and as you would expect it got me into trouble on a daily basis at home and school . But my earliest moment was a joke that I had heard when I was about 9 years old , told it to my Mom and she had me repeat it at family and friend ' s functions , I loved the attention .
Q : How did it all started ? The first time I ever told a joke that I wrote was at my brother and Author Bono Rich Rambani and Mrs TD Rambani ' s wedding , people loved it and now am here .
Q : How did you know it was what you wanted to do ? It was just love at first sight or should I say laugh , I remember the first time I ever saw anyone do stand-up comedy , was when I was about 10 years old one night I happen to catch an airing of Martin Lawrence ' s You so crazy DVD and it was all I thought of , I wanted to be on that stage making people laugh .
Q : What is it exactly that inspired you to be a gospel Stand-up comedian ? I believe I was chosen more than me being inspired to choose it , I can tell from the conviction I have that this is a calling , People face a lot of hardship and pain on a day to day basis so if I can make at least one person laugh , smile and have peace for that few minutes that I am on stage then I feel I am fulfilled , also what ' s important Is that as a Christian I need to show the youth and everyone that we can still have fun without compromising our values and faith , it can still be funny and be offensive or vulgar .
Q : Who are your favourite comedians in Mzansi ? Trevor Noah by far , not only for his wit and perfect comic timing but also the fact that he managed to break barriers and take where no other Mzansi comic has , I have the outmost respect for him and his work , I too want to be remembered as one of the best to ever do it .