Blink Digital Magazine 4th Issue Blink digital Magazine 04 | Page 17

A survey conducted for mental health in 2002-2004, found that South Africans have a 30% chance of suffering from a mental illness in their lifetime, with depression being the most common. In South Africa 60% of suicides are due to depression. SADAG says that suicide has doubled among teens (10-14 year olds) in the past 15 years. VERBAL SIGNS OF SUICIDE ü Suicidal patterns in South Africa ü ü ü ü ü Suicide occurs mostly in the younger age groups (15-34 years). A number of 8000 people commit suicide in South Africa annually. Most suicides occur in teens aged 15-19 years old. Hanging, poison ingestion and shooting were found to be the most common ways of committing suicide. There are those who opt for jumping, gassing and burning. To all the people battling depression and suicidal thoughts and those who have attempted to kill themselves, REMEMBER THIS- you are strong and you WILL win this battle. Come storms come high waters you will come out at the top as a victor and a happy soul. If you need help you can contact South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) Suicide Crisis Helpline on 0800 567 567 or send an SMS to 31393 on any day of the week from 8am-8pm. The 24-hour helpline number is 0800 12 13 14. BDM TALENT ISSUE #04 17