Blink Digital Magazine 4th Issue Blink digital Magazine 04 | Page 16





By Cordelia Khosi e all get sick at some point in our lives and Wnone of us ask for it or can easily accept it . Depression like many other different illnesses did not just fall from the sky and land on our laps but it builds up in our brains and then we become depressed .

Depression is not easily cured like the flu . Just like a person doesn ' t expect to get cancer or diabetes , no one expects to get depressed and live with this illness their whole lives . Although many who suffer from depression may not kill themselves , they do have suicidal thoughts time and again and trust me this is hard and very strenuous phase to go through .
Having to fight your brain and emotions daily is tiring all on its own , and although suicide ( death ) is a permanent solution to a temporary problem ; it usually feels like the best solution . Many , who suffer with mental illnesses , find themselves feeling suicidal at some point or another .
Depression is a state of feeling severe despondency and dejection ; it ' s more than just feeling down . It is a serious illness caused by changes in brain chemistry .
Depression affects mostly your emotions , thoughts , your behavior and your overall physical health . Many take depression lightly and think it will just go away if you “ sleep it off ” or just visit a shrink for a couple of sessions .
People with depression find it harder to cope with day-to-day tasks and are mostly overwhelmed by the smallest things . They know that they can do things but it takes
them much longer and stretch them out of their nom .
One may say that they are comfortable in the place they are at now but truth is the place is not their comfort zone but rather their safe haven , it might not be the safest at all times but behind locked doors , in bed or watching the television all day is the only place for them hide and not face the stigma and judgements .
Because we all know that in your safety haven you can be and do what you want and feel is right for you .
Staying alive when you feel like the whole world is on your shoulders , everyone is against you , everyone has given up on you and you feel worthless is the bravest thing a person can ever do . Anyone who has a mental illness can concur to this . Having depression can make one feel unwanted , worthless , sad and helpless . In many instances the sufferer is scared to seek help because of the stigma around mental illnesses .