examination of fitness for the duty of parent and shepherd of the lambs , “ Do you love me ?” This is the provision Jesus has made for the lambs : true love to Jesus can do the work .
Let every parent who longs to know how he can obtain the needed qualification for his work , give in his name for this examination . Let Jesus search your heart once , twice , a third time until the remembrance of past unfaithfulness brings tears , and the answer comes , Lord , Thou knowest all things , Thou knowest that I do love Thee . Alas , it is this that is the blight of so many a Christian home the conscious , fervent , and confessed love of Jesus is wanting . Nothing influences a child-like love : the warmth of a holy love to Jesus will make itself felt . There may be a great deal of religion , and of teaching , and of praying ; it is only love that will conquer . Love to Jesus will lead to obey Him very carefully , to walk with Him very closely , to trust Him very heartily . Love to Jesus will make the desire to please Him very strong , and the charge He gives us to keep very precious . Love to Jesus will make our testimony of Him very personal . The food with which we feed the lambs will have the warmth of a Divine love about it . Jesus wants parents who love Him , who love Him with their whole heart and strength : this is the provision He has thought out for His little lambs .
The religion of Jesus is a religion of love . Of the Father it is said , “ God is love ” ( 1 John 4:8 ). Jesus Himself is the gift of a love that passeth knowledge . His own life and work is one of love , love stronger than death . When the Holy Spirit comes to us He sheds abroad in our hearts the love of God . Our whole relation to the Divine is to be one of love . And our relation as parents and children was meant to be one of love . It was to restore this that Jesus came . And He does it by calling parents to love Himself , and then receiving the little ones in His name , for His sake , and in the fervor of His love , to take charge of them . The love of earth He purifies and elevates by the love of heaven . And the home is consecrated by the light of Jesus ' love resting on the children , and the power of His love dwelling in the parents , and the whole of education being made a work of love for Him .
A Blessed Calling
Christian parents , see and accept your blessed calling ; you are the shepherds of the Divine love to tend and feed the lambs . In His church the Chief Shepherd has many shepherds to care for the flock , but none who can so care for the lambs as the parents . “ He makes their families like flocks ” ( Psa 107:41 ); it is to parental love , inspired and sanctified by redeeming love , that Jesus looks for the building up of His church . Let us pray very earnestly to have , in the first place , our eyes opened to see things as Jesus sees them , to realize by the Holy Spirit what He feels for our little ones , what He expects of us and is ready to do for us in giving us wisdom and strength .
Feed My lambs : when this word is made the law of a parent ' s duty , what gentleness and love will it inspire , what heavenly hope , what faithful , watchful care , and what an unceasing life of faith in the love and grace and blessing of Jesus on our home ! Let us often wait for the voice to say to us , “ Do you love me ? Feed My lambs .”
Blessed Savior , Thou art the good Shepherd , of whom my soul hath said , “ The Lord is my Shepherd , I shall not want ”. I bless Thee for the tender love that did not forget the little ones , but didst so carefully commit them to the charge of Thy servant Peter , at his