Blessing October 2020 English | Page 11

www . bymonline . org | October 2020 | Page 11

on the care of those to whom it is entrusted . It cannot choose the company under whose influence it comes . It knows not yet to choose between good and evil . It knows nothing of the importance of little words or deeds , of forming habits , of sowing good or bad seed , of yielding itself to the world or God . All depends upon its surroundings : parents especially have the children in their power . What a solemn responsibility to lead and nourish them carefully , to feed them , not with the husks of this world ' s thoughts and pleasures , but with food convenient , the milk for babes which our Father has provided , to lead them only in the green pastures !
Future Sheep
Feed My lambs : the words remind us of the high value of the little ones . In the lambs the shepherd sees the possibilities of the future : as the lambs , so the coming flock . The church of the next generation , the servants with whom , in but a few years ' time , Jesus has to do His work of converting and saving and blessing men , are the children of today . How little we have understood or heeded the voice , Feed the lambs . He says more , He says , “ Feed My lambs ,” and also “ of such is the kingdom ” ( Matt 19:14 ). Not only for what they are to become , but for what they already are in their childlike simplicity and heavenliness , He loves them and counts them of great worth . For the lesson they continually have to teach grown-up people , for all the influence they exert in making their parents and elders gentle and humble and trustful , for all the blessings they bring to those who receive them in the name of Jesus , they are to Him of unspeakable worth , the most beautiful part of His flock . Let us try to catch His spirit as He cries , “ Feed My lambs .” Oh , let us learn to look upon our children in the light in which Jesus looks upon them ! Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to make the familiar words , Jesus ' lambs , a deep spiritual reality to us , until our hearts tremble at the thought . Our little ones are His lambs : we are daily to feed them as such , that they may grow up as the sheep of His pasture .
Spiritual Nourishment
Feed My lambs : the children ' s great need is here set before us . Food is the condition of growth . Food is something received from without , to be assimilated and taken up into our very life . The body has its food from the visible world . The mind is nourished by the thoughts that enter it . The spirit feeds , through the mind , on the thoughts , the words of God . The little ones cannot seek pasture for themselves ; Christ looks to parents to bring to them day by day , not a chapter of the Bible just read over , and in most cases beyond their comprehension , but some of the thoughts of Divine wisdom and love , without which the soul cannot possibly grow . Not less carefully than the mother studies daily how to let the child have something to eat , and what it is to eat , ought she day by day to feed each lamb entrusted to her care . The one desire and aim must be to rear it for Him . The consecration of the child to the Lord must be the chief thing in its life . The idea of its being His , and growing up entirely and alone for Him , the absorbing desire , this will make the duty easy . Love for Jesus .
Feed My lambs : the words tell the provision Christ has made for His feeble ones . To whom were the words spoken ? To one of whom the question had been asked , “ Do you love me ?” and who had answered , “ Yes , Lord ; you know that I love you .” It is only one who is inspired by love to Jesus who can truly take charge of the lambs . This is the