| August 2020
understand why the evangelist told the ladies'
prayer group: “That women will go to hell,
while you pray.” If we don't do more than pray,
if we never visit the lost and witness to
sinners, they will never hear Christ's
invitation to be saved. We must pray, but then
we must rise and go out after souls.
Quietly Learning Of Christ In Depth
An evangelist tried to arouse a small
congregation in Japan to be more evangelistic
minded. The pastor said: “You don't
understand; we don't want a large crowd. We
only want to have a small group which can
meet together in quietness to study the Word
and learn of Christ in depth.” Another
evangelist spoke to a men's prayer group
about going out to witness for Christ from
house to house. The leader said, “We can't do
that. We're not deep enough in God.” The
evangelist asked: “How long have you been
meeting and praying?” “Only two years!” For
two years, they had selfishly kept their Lord
confined to a room and had never allowed Him
to share His life with sinners in their
community. What a contrast with Christians
in the Early Church who in just two years
made the Word of the Lord heard by “all they
which dwelt in Asia” (Acts 19:10).
The reason the Gospel has not been
preached “to every creature” is because
individual Christians have misinterpreted
what the Church is. To them it is their
denomination, their assembly, their
congregation. (And it is correct to speak of the
Church as a collective body of Christians).
But from a PERSONAL standpoint, the
Church is YOU! YOUR body is Christ's Body.
He can only witness and minister THROUGH
YOU! Christians have misinterpreted the Holy
Spirit and His ministry. To them He is the
brooding presence which floats around and
carries out orders for them so they can stay at
home. They can have a little prayer and think
up nice little errands to keep the Holy Spirit
busy all week while they live for self and their
materialistic way of life. No wonder the world
is going to hell! No wonder the unconverted
throngs mock the Church and the Christians!
No wonder the communists ridicule
Christianity! This is one reason the Jews
reject the Christianity. Their leaders read the
New Testament. They know who Jesus was.
They know He was Jew. They know how He
lived. And they know how He told His
followers to live, and they know how different
and how selfishly Christians live today by
comparison. Jesus was a soulwinner. Jesus
mixed with people. He befriended the needy.
He healed the sick. He spoke the Good News
to sinners. He helped people, unselfishly, all
the time. HE HAS NEVER CHANGED; He wills
to do the same today! “He works IN YOU both
to will and to do His good pleasure.” But He
can do only the same today as you allow Him
to do so through YOUR BODY. YOU are His
agent, His ambassador, His representative.
He ministers through YOU, and without your
body to express Himself, He is cut off from
sinners. Share Him with sinners. There's a
knowledge of Jesus Christ - a depth - which
you can never know till you share Him.
She Fell In Sin With A Married Man
A lady who was a faithful member of a
certain Church fell into deep sin with a
married man. The sin was discovered and she
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