Blessed Magazine October/November, 2013 Volume 7 | Page 15

Something to Think About How to Get Rid of Feeling angry is a natural part of life, but excessive anger can be harmful to the well-being of ourselves and those around us. Here's are 9 tips to help you deal with jealousy and take control of your lifeā€¦ ?Step away from the situation ?Take deep, slow breaths to relax ?Consider the big picture ?Don't bottle up your anger ?Think about why you are angry ?Try to make yourself laugh ?Remember that anger is a natural emotion Conclusion: Have something to get your anger out such as a punching bag or a pillow. If you are very angry, express your feelings on paper to relieve stress. Remember that walking away from your anger is not the best option. Facing it is something you need to do for yourself. Page 15 Blessed Magazine