BLAZE Magazine Special Edition 2006-2016 | Page 15

T he novice in the field is the challenge! Let’s not forget that each outdoorsman and outdoorswoman, had an educational point of entry! Outdoor Women Unlimited recognizes the need to provide every opportunity to capture that moment of interest, motivate the passion, identify the need and develop the skill!! OWU has created an initial “showstopper” that has played a key role in identifying the outdoor beginner enthusiast to the advanced. The events held throughout the year by OWU are built off a main event, the Southern Classic. The Classic wears many colorful hats that seem to attract each participant to one or more classes. Our professional teams of instructors and volunteers have one common factor….all members are learning something new!!! The Southern Classic offers classes that give women the opportunity to experience a variety of outdoor activities in a hands on outdoor venue with one on one interaction with instructors. After the Classic, evaluation forms are filled out by OWU participants to rate the popularity of the activity based on instruction, safety, skill achievement and Fun! OWU takes the most popular events and designs secondary events to be held throughout the year that cater to each activity. Unfortunately, for many outdoor enthusiasts abroad, continuing to develop and improve their new found skill(s) can be difficult. Reasons may include, but not limited to, ownership of the tool(s), access to proper location, financial, instructor/guide access, and more. The one question that seems to be asked most often is... “I want more training, but where do I go from here?” OWU offers a path of leadership supported by a strong volunteer/instructor program with outreach for contact. I have created a 5-Step process for our Outdoor Women Unlimited members and supporters. • Attend a women’s outdoor educational event. ie shooting sports • Connect with your leadership at the event. This includes volunteers, instructors and sponsors. • Maximize your experience. Identify your objective.( I want to learn how to shoot a shotgun) Research your event to include professional instruction, safe environment, provisions included in registration fee, etc • SET goal(s) and SHARE with others, both on/off the field. • Always leave with Contact information that support your objective and provide other opportunities for continuing to strengthen you skills. OWU encourages our members to stay connected!! In November 2014-15, OWU hosted a Hog Hunt in Alabama. Sixteen hunters/huntresses attended. States represented by members included Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina and Virginia. The majority of the hunters/huntresses were novice to hog hunting. The hunt consisted of two and half days of great hunting, food, fun and fellowship at Great Southern Outdoors in Union Springs, Alabama. Hogs were heard and seen. No harvest was made. However, our hunters/huntresses and guides secured safety as priority. Outdoor Women Unlimited has always believed in the success of the outdoor adventure is measured in the friendships nurtured. How did my 5-step process make a difference in our OWU Alabama Hog Hunt without hogs harvested? Why, I declare! The Southern hospitality is contagious. After the hunt, two attendees, OWU members from Alabama and Mississippi, crossed state lines and shared in two deer hunt adventures. One of our OWU members, who is a seasoned deer hunter, invited our first time hunter, new OWU member, to visit the deer camp!! It begins with just saying “I can!” The novice/beginner fosters her niche while making connections with instructors, members and the OWU executive team both on and off the field. Sharing interests opens many opportunities for further outdoor fun and fellowship. Members leave with contact information that will encourage options to stay connected in their new, or pre-loved, activity that fits each individual need. Over the years, women’s interest in shooting sport education has soared. Creative design, in women’s educational training shooting events, is the magic! The outdoor industry must embrace and reach out to the women who have found the Magic! Statistical surveys, for example: Southwick Associates, provide up-to-date professional outdoor educational information.