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Advocating for LGBTQ + Equality
Blank Rome is proud to participate in pro bono legal projects that support the LGBTQ + community . In 2022 , our firm continued to partner with Bet Tzedek , the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund (“ TLDEF ”), and Whitman- Walker Health on multiple name and gender marker change projects , including staffing legal name change clinics and hosting trans cultural competency trainings , serving more than 500 pro bono hours .
Firm Partners with Constellation Energy to Help Transgender Clients
In October , a team from Washington , D . C . -based Whitman-Walker Health Legal Services made a presentation on Transgender & Nonbinary Legal Basics to in-house counsel from client Constellation Energy and members of our firm . The presentation focused on the challenges facing the LGBTQ + community and the difference that aligning name and gender identity with legal documents can make in a person ’ s life . Counsel from Constellation Energy and Blank Rome volunteers will work together on future Whitman-Walker pro bono assignments .
See more on our joint client name change clinics with TLDEF in the Client Partnerships section of this Report .
In addition , our pro bono attorney , Krystal Kane , led a name change CLE training hosted jointly by the LGBT Rights Committee of the Philadelphia Bar Association and Philadelphia LGBTQ + Bar Association . The training — free to Name Change Clinic volunteers — provided background on the name change process , fee waivers for low-income clients , and how to provide culturally competent representation .
In December , Krystal , who serves as chair of Social Justice and Volunteerism for the Philadelphia LGBTQ + Bar Association , was recognized as Ally of the Year by the Association , which took particular note of her leadership in promoting pro bono name changes for transgender clients . She was also presented with Blank Rome ’ s 2022 Honorable Nathaniel R . Jones Diversity and Inclusion Award in recognition of her outstanding contributions to advancing diversity , equity , and inclusion within the firm , across the legal industry , and in her local community largely based on her LGBTQ + name change clinic leadership .
Act as if what you do makes a difference . It does . WILLIAM JAMES 16 • PRO BONO REPORT & COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT