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MAKE A DIFFERENCE : Chain Reaction Foundation

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The Learning Grounds programs help young people develop resilience and builds self-esteem .

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KitchenCorner by Lorna Gordon
The Chain Reaction Foundation is a not for profit based in Mt Druitt and is focused on helping young teens build strong relationships within their families , schools and communities to help support mental health and encourage engagement in their communities .
Rumbi Mabambe is the executive director of the foundation and works with her team and the community to develop programs that will support young people in the area .
“ Learning Ground began as a series of conversations with community leaders in early 2000s . They felt there was a need for a place where young people could go and begin to understand their potential . The name of Learning Ground was given by the First Nation leaders , as the program should be one that grounds young people in learning about themselves ,” said Rumbi .
The foundation runs programs in its centre in Mt Druitt and through school based programs . At Learning Grounds young people can take part in two different programs , one for younger children ( 10 – 12 year olds ) and older children ( 13-17 year olds ), which focus on the issues they may be facing at each age level , for example worrying about going to high school or school exams , anxiety or bullying .
“ We start with an understanding of the self ; it is a precious thing for a young person to understand that the different parts of you work together . If you are out of balance in one aspect of yourself it can affect the rest of you ,” Rumbi explained .
“ When you understand yourself , you can start to understand others which builds empathy and gives you a choice in how you react . We want to give them the

“ We start with an understanding of the self ; it is a precious thing for a young person to understand that the different parts of you work together . If you are out of balance in one aspect of yourself it can affect the rest of you ,” Rumbi explained .

self-belief to make positive decisions .”
The Learning Grounds ’ school based program is based on a skills transfer approach and is directed towards the students who are already or at risk of becoming disengaged at school . Teachers are trained to use the same approach which is used in the centre and the students learn about their strengths and abilities to help them understand where they fit in and how they can make a difference in their school and community .
The programs in the centre and through schools run for a minimum of
a year , because , as Rumbi points out , if we want to see long term changes it requires long term support of our young people .
Learning Grounds ’ programs have already shown positive outcomes for many of the students who are taking part in schools with attendance and engagement up , and some of the young people becoming ambassadors , encouraging others to join because they see the changes it has made for them .
Unfortunately , although they have evidence to show the improvements it is making , the foundation has struggled to secure government funding at this point and relies on individuals or businesses to help keep them running . Even with the struggles they face , Rumbi is proud of what they have achieved .
“ We have something which has been developed in one of the toughest areas in Australian using what we have been taught by our First Nations elders , and it has been found to be effective in reengaging young people . It is truly unique and special .”
You can find out more about this fantastic program at the website www . chainreaction . org . au .
8 ISSUE 42 // SEPTEMBER 2024 theindependentmagazine . com . au BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT