and Mia Snook

we had a play to get started and then we looked online to see what other amputees could do , and I haven ’ t stopped !”
The workouts on the pole helped Corinna in two ways . Firstly , it improved her core strength , which in turn helped her rehabilitation making her physio exercises easier . When faced with the challenge of learning to walk with a prosthetic leg , Corinna knew she could look forward to going to her pole classes and it helped her mental wellbeing too . Pole also helped in different way , allowing Corinna to come to terms with the changes in her physical appearance .
“ When you first start learning pole you are in your shorts and tee shirt because you only need your hands and feet , as you progress you need less clothing as you use your skin to grip , you don ’ t even notice that you are stripped off . It ’ s such an encouraging body positive environment it helped me get over the initial change in how I looked .”
Corinna has worked hard at her chosen sport and recently took part in the Australian Pole and Ariel sports competition at Penrith , along with some other people from her studio . Her dedication has paid off as she secured a place in the World Championships in Sweden in October and will be competing against other people with a similar disability .
The trip won ’ t be cheap , she needs to pay for airfare , insurance her official team kit and other items which are necessary for the competition . Her daughter Mia and husband David decided they should try and fundraise to help with the costs of travelling and competing , and Mia came up with a fantastic idea of asking people to donate their cans and bottles for recycling at a local Return and Earn .
“ I came up with the idea because when Dad and I go to take our cans and bottles we get some money for them . I thought if we asked people to donate their cans it might be easier than asking for money . I didn ’ t think many people would help out , but any help would be good .”
David posted about Corinna going to the championships and Mia ’ s idea on how to fundraise on a community Facebook page and has had an amazing response from locals .
“ We have raised about $ 460 so far . We didn ’ t start with a target as we didn ’ t think it would be a huge thing that people would jump in to help with as I thought pole dancing might turn people off ,” said Mia .
“ Everyone is trying to save money by looking for an extra dollar here and there , so taking the cans in can help with that . Now we have started to get donations , I think $ 5000 would be a good target , it might be difficult to raise but that ’ s what we are aiming for now to cover Corinna ’ s trip . Any money left over will go to another local charity .”
David had so many people reach out to him through the Facebook group that he went out and bought some large laundry baskets to collect the cans in . These can be left at your home for collection or David and Mia will pour your donations into one of them and leave your storage at home . David has been busier than he thought .
“ I ’ m amazed at how much the community have got behind us . When Mia thought of it , I didn ’ t think it would be time consuming , it ’ s exhausting in a good way and it ’ s incredible to meet so many people in the community we wouldn ’ t get to meet otherwise .”
Corinna is super proud of her daughter for thinking of the idea and hopes that taking part in the competition has a positive impact on her .
“ Doing so well in the competition has been great for Mia to see . Her whole life has been around me going to hospital and now we have this as a positive thing at the end of it .”
With a target of 50,000 cans to collect the family have aimed high . They are happy to have people drop off cans and bottles to them , or they will come to collect them from your home . They are taking donations of cans until October , so you have plenty of time to drop off your cans to help this deserving family achieve their dream of sending Corinna to Sweden .
If you would like to help out by donating , you can contact David on 0420 905 174 .
Corinna qualified to represent Australia in the pole dancing World Championships in Sweden this year .
BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 42 // SEPTEMBER 2024 7