Blacktown City Independent BCI 32 November 2023 | Page 19


How does downsizing

your home affect your Age Pension eligibility ?

with Rebecca Chester Age Pension Help
When Centrelink are assessing your assets for the Age Pension , your owned home which you live in is exempt . If you are considering downsizing , you might be concerned about how any proceeds from the sale will affect your eligibility . What are the current rules ? If there is a period where you have sold your home ( after 01 / 01 / 2023 ), and you are living somewhere where you are not the owner , and you have not yet purchased a new property , any amount you intend to use for the purchase , construction , repairs or renovation of a new property are still exempt from the assets test .
This exemption can be applied for 24 months from the date of settlement , until the new property is purchased , or your intention to purchase changes . It is important to note that while the funds are exempt from the assets test , they still will be deemed at the lower deeming rate , which means your income test could be affected .
For the remainder of sale proceeds , not intended for or used for a new property , these will be treated as normal in the assets and income tests .
As you can tell , this is a complex transaction , which requires an understanding of all the risks and benefits .
Check out the information on moneysmart . gov . au , and if you are contemplating downsizing and considering your Age Pension , give me a call , 1300 222 484 .

NSW Government red-tape worsening housing crisis , say councils

The President of Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils ( WSROC ), Councillor Barry Calvert , has rejected suggestions that councils are responsible for a slowdown in housing development applications in New South Wales and has called on the NSW Government to improve the overall performance of the state planning system .
“ Councils in NSW have approved more than 85,000 new homes in the last 12 months alone — representing 97 per cent of all housing applications submitted to councils . Clearly , councils are fully and actively engaged in processing housing approvals ,” said Councillor Calvert .
“ The state ’ s housing crisis is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors and blaming councils trivialises the problem .”
“ The housing crisis in NSW has not been caused by councils but is influenced by factors including shortages of construction materials and labour , rising interest rates , and now falling housing prices .
“ Successive failures by NSW governments to consult with local councils are complicating the housing
approval process .
“ For example , the NSW Government ’ s e-planning portal through which home-builders prepare , lodge and track development applications was created with very little local government consultation and has been a disaster for local government and home-builders .
“ The e-portal has layers of complexity for home-builders , has increased the administrative burden on local government and is plagued by substantial performance deficiencies .
“ The e-portal is more like an outdated document management system than a sophisticated and comprehensive e-planning tool .
“ Also , I get the impression from home builders that staff turnover in the State Public Service and the difficulty and delays in getting responses from government agencies are contributing to delays and lack of responsiveness in processing housing applications at the Department of Planning .
“ The sheer number of agencies and functions within the NSW Department of Planning and Environment cluster , too , is not conducive to efficient Government .
“ The span of control and the roles and responsibilities of the Department does not allow for effective oversight of those processes responsible for delivering the State ’ s planning outcomes .
“ Western Sydney councils are urging a review of the State public service ’ s end-to-end processes and capabilities to identify delays to planning outcomes .
WSROC has proposed a range of actions the government can take to address the housing and homelessness crisis , including investing in public and social housing , incentivizing owners to return housing stock to the rental market , working closely with councils and communities to plan density effectively , and addressing industry and
market barriers to housing supply . “ Solving the housing crisis will require the cooperation of all levels of government rather than finger-pointing , and local government is ready to play its role in addressing the issue ,” said Councillor Calvert .
“ There ’ s a need for a more comprehensive and cooperative approach to addressing the housing crisis in New South Wales , involving all stakeholders , rather than placing blame solely on local councils .
BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 32 // NOVEMBER 2023 19