Blacktown City Independent BCI 32 November 2023 | Page 18


Field of Flags - lest we forget

by Greg Martin
Flag fall for hiring a taxi in Sydney is $ 3.60 but for those loved ones of servicemen and women who served in our armed services , there ’ ll be zero charge for the flag fall in the parkland adjacent to Riverstone-Schofields RSL sub-branch in the lead-up to this year ’ s Remembrance Day .
For those of you too young to know or too old to remember , Remembrance Day falls on November 11 when the nation pauses for a minute ’ s silence to remember the bravery and sacrifice of the men and women who lost their lives in times of war .
Since World War I , Australians have been called on many times to serve in wars , conflicts , and peacekeeping and humanitarian operations .
Almost two million men and women have worn with pride the uniforms of the Royal Australian Navy , Australian Army and Royal Australian Air Force .
Tragically , over 103,000 names are listed on the Roll of Honour at the Australian War Memorial .
Those listed were members of the Australian armed forces who died during or shortly afterwards ( as a result of war service ).
Members of Riverstone RSL sub-branch have set aside an area in which loved ones can “ honour those who lost their lives during war , who served and since passed into history , who served and subsequently took their own lives , all veterans and current Australian Defence Force personnel ”.
“ Two days prior to Remembrance Day , sub-branch members will be distributing free miniature Australian flags , which each recipients will plant in the designated area ,” said sub-branch president , Bruce Shaw .
“ The sub-branch will be open between 9am-noon on Thursday and Friday , November 9-10 , when our staff will distribute the flags to family members and friends who wish to plant them in the park .”
Blacktown City Council is erecting a Field of Flags sign on the spot where flags are to be placed .
Riverstone-Schofields RSL sub-branch president ,
Bruce Shaw and his fellow members will be distributing Australian flags to commemorate Remembrance Day . Bruce is pictured in front of the magnificent Panels on Parade . The acid etched figurines , imported from Italy , have been part of the sub-branch since the 1980s . Each of the panels portray navy , army and air force men and women . Photo : Kathryn Johnston .
18 ISSUE 32 // NOVEMBER 2023 theindependentmagazine . com . au BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT