Rescuing our crucial local rehab centres

Addiction is a serious , but treatable condition that not only affects an individual ’ s life , but the community they live in , according to rehabilitation service Odyssey House .
This crucial help for alcohol and drug dependency is readily available in our city , however this vital service needs a helping hand itself to continue to remain viable .
Odyssey House addiction treatment centres are located in Blacktown , Baulkham Hills and Hornsby as well as throughout NSW . It ’ s a voluntary service , offering many of its programs free of charge .
Staff treat trauma and reoccurring mental health issues , which could be the result of domestic violence or hardship , to help clients develop skills to meet their
The Blacktown treatment centre is part of a network of Odyssey House centres seeking your support to continue its rehabilitation services . Picture : Lisa Thompson Photography .
physical , emotional and intellectual needs , reconnect with family and strengthen their social connections .
Odyssey House NSW acting CEO David Kelly says substance dependence is a serious condition which people often need professional support to overcome . “ Without support , individuals and families find it far more difficult to break the generational cycle of addiction ,” Mr Kelly said .
“ Our services are designed to provide a safe , supportive and non-judgmental environment for individuals and families impacted by drug and alcohol use .”
To continue this support Odyssey House is seeking crucial funding for more case workers .
“ Without our case workers , there is no Odyssey ,” Mr Kelly said .
“ They are the heart and soul of what we do . They help reconnect individuals to lead the positive lives they desire and reconnect families and communities .”
Case workers are instrumental in providing rehabilitation services as they work one-on-one with clients to develop and monitor their needs , goals and treatment progress to help them achieve longlasting sobriety .
In the past year , 40 per cent of Odyssey House NSW clients needed support to
The Blacktown treatment centre is part of a network of Odyssey House centres seeking your support to continue its rehabilitation services .
manage a dependence on alcohol , while 45 per cent in its residential rehabilitation programs reported a dependence on methamphetamines .
“ We know that supporting clients to withdraw from alcohol or drugs can be the simple part ,” Mr Kelly said . “ The harder part of a person ’ s recovery journey is working through the underlying factors that make people turn to alcohol or drugs to cope .
“ Our case workers work with our clients to address the underlying factors – such as co-existing illnesses and mental health concerns , traumas , and stresses in their lives .”
If you would like to donate to Odyssey House NSW , go to https :// give . odysseyhouse . com . au / tax23 . Donations are tax deductible .
Local Odyssey House locations : Blacktown : 3 / 83 Flushcombe Road . Baulkham Hills : Balcombe Heights Estate ,
92 Seven Hills Road . Hornsby : 1 Ashley Street . Call : 1800 397 739 if you ’ re seeking support to recover from alcohol or drug dependence or you ’ re wanting to refer someone .
Online : you can email referral @ odysseyhouse . com . au or go online to odysseyhouse . com . au for information .
BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 28 // JULY 2023 15