Blacktown City Independent BCI 15 June 2022 | Page 14

And now for a little me time


The power of reading

We have 2 x $ 50 Visa cards to giveaway !


To win you need to solve our three brain teasers correctly to go into a draw for a chance to win a $ 50 Visa card .
Send your answers to info @ hdinews . com . au and put Brain Teasers in the subject line of your email . Write your answers from 1-3 and provide us with your name , address and phone number . Winners will be contacted via email or phone .
Reading is more than just an enjoyable pastime ! ( Credit Seven Shooter , unsplash . com ) by Lorna Gordon
We all know that reading to children is a valuable activity . It helps them develop an understanding of language and of course , to read themselves , learn about their world , spark imagination and creativity and form bonds with the person who is reading to them . However , reading is also a fantastic activity for adults too .
Reading helps adults to improve concentration and our vocabulary . Instead of mindless scrolling on our phones and being distracted , a book allows us to dive into a story or a topic if you prefer non-fiction and become absorbed into it , allowing us to switch off . Many people find reading in bed beneficial as it helps them decompress from the day , allowing them to get a better sleep .
The mental stimulation we receive from books is a great way to reduce the risk of Alzheimer ’ s , the brain is a muscle which needs to be challenged , and the complexity of reading is perfect for this .
It also helps us mentally by promoting empathy . When we read about other people and their experiences ( even if it is fiction ) we learn to see things from others ’ perspectives or learn about different cultures .
Reading can help us socially too . Book clubs allow us to connect to others by a shared passion , and who doesn ’ t love talking about their favourite books , or what they enjoyed about a book everyone read together ?
So why not visit your local library and see what books they have on offer ( they also offer e-books and audiobooks these days as well as paper books ), see if there are any book clubs in your area that you can join or start your own with your friends !
Teaser 1 : Arnold Schwarzenegger has a long one . Michael J . Fox has a short one . Madonna does not use hers . Bill Clinton always uses his . The Pope never uses his . What is it ?
Teaser 2 : I am the beginning of sorrow and the end of sickness . You cannot express happiness without me yet I am in the midst of crosses . I am always in risk yet never in danger . You may find me in the sun , but I am never out of darkness .

Empowered Hormones

by Lorna Gordon
Our hormones power our body , from our very beginnings as a tiny group of cells , hormones tell our bodies to grow and develop , they push us into puberty and allow us to have our own children . They work in our brain and our gut and are truly amazing things !
Sheradyn Dekker is a nutritionist and self-confessed health nerd and is on a mission to help educate women about health issues from IBS , endometriosis , bloating and more . While she has her own business in the health sector , she is passionate about sharing information through her podcast as well . Her episodes dive into topics like probiotics and why we need friendly bacteria in our gut , low progesterone and how to correct it , acne and eczema and the nutritional issues which can play into these .
She ’ s not afraid to talk about the things we sometimes want to whisper about ( periods , poo and parasites ) and does so in a way that ’ s easy to follow and , as the name suggests , leaves you feeling empowered .
www . sheradyndekker . com or on Apple Podcasts and Spotify .
Do your ears ( and tummy ) a favour and tune in to Empowered Hormones .
Teaser 3 : A man was walking in the rain . He was in the middle of nowhere . He had nothing and nowhere to hide . He came home all wet , but not a single hair on his head was wet . Why is that ?
All winners and answers to the teasers will be published on our social media channels – Good Luck !
ANSWERS MAY EDITION 1 . His son . 2 . Short 3 . Nine — two parents , six sons , and one daughter . MAY WINNERS Yvonne Death - Bella Vista ; Kim Yee West - Pennant Hills ; and Phillip Parsons - Dharruk
14 ISSUE 15 // JUNE 2022 theindependentmagazine . com . au BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT