Blacktown ’ s Older Women ’ s Network ( OWN )

by Lorna Gordon
Blacktown Older Women ’ s Network ( BOWN ) first opened its doors in 2004 and aims to help older women in the area stay healthy and remain social in the community while having fun .
They have all kinds of activities available , from line dancing and gentle exercise to a brand new art class which has had all art supplies and art teacher kindly provided to the Network by Parramatta Community College . Merven Virueda from the college explained how this partnership came together .
“ I met Robyn Atkins ( the BOWN Manager ) at an event and we started chatting about the programs she offers at BOWN and what we offer at the college . We felt it was a wonderful opportunity to pair up and provide the art supplies and
a teacher for the Network and show our commitment to supporting the Western Sydney community to learn at any age .” Robyn was the next person for me to get in touch with to see how the new classes had been received .
“ The class started in March and some of the artwork we have created is amazing . Everything was set up ready for us to start , we decided what artwork we would try and the tutor talked us through what to do . None of us have pained before and the art work is fantastic . We can only have 10 people per class , so we have had to put some of the women on a waiting list for the next round of classes as it was so popular .”
As well as this new class OWN offers other activities for women to enjoy . There are gentle exercise classes and line dancing , computer classes and bingo or
Hoy on a Friday . They also organise bus trips , lunches and morning teas as well as raising funds for breast cancer charities .
All of the activities held in the centre are covered by an annual membership of $ 15 and members donate $ 2 for morning tea . If they wish to go on the bus trips there is an additional cost involved to cover travel and entry to the location they are visiting .
Robyn explained that OWN is an important place for the women in Blacktown .
“ A lot of seniors don ’ t think they can do new things , so it ’ s a perfect environment for them to give different things a go . It ’ s a place for the women to make friends and socialise in a safe environment , and we are a very accepting
group , everyone is there to support and encourage each other .”
If you think that OWN is a group you would enjoy you can check out their Facebook page at OWN Blacktown & Surrounds , or their website at www . ownnsw . org . au / get-involved / join-group / blacktown-wellness /
The group meets on Mondays , Tuesdays , Wednesdays and Fridays at 32 Rooty Hill Road South , Rooty Hill .
Some of the artwork produced by the OWN members .
The OWN love their new art class which was provided by Paramatta Community College .
BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 25 // APRIL 2023 7