Best be aware ! National Asbestos Awareness Campaign is on until April 10

Did you know :
• that at least 1 in 3 Australian homes contain asbestos
• if left undisturbed and stable is unlikely to pose a health risk
• professional removal is affordable 20 Point Safety Check 1 . At least 1 in 3 Australian homes contain asbestos including brick , weatherboard , fibro and clad homes and apartments .
2 . Asbestos was widely used in the manufacture of building materials and other products prior to being phased out by 1990 and banned in 2003 . Therefore :
3 . If your home was built or renovated prior to 1987 it is ‘ highly likely ’ that it contains products incorporating asbestos .
4 . If your home was built or renovated between 1987 and 1990 it is ‘ likely ’ that it may contain some asbestoscontaining materials .
5 . However , if your home was built or renovated after 1990 it is ‘ unlikely ’ that asbestos-containing materials will be present .
6 . If asbestos is disturbed during renovations or maintenance your health and the health of your family could be at risk .
7 . DIY is not recommended where asbestos is present .
8 . When renovating or working in and around homes , if in doubt assume asbestos materials are present and take every precaution .
9 . Dealing with asbestos is important and serious , but it ’ s not overwhelming – IT IS MANAGEABLE !
10 . If you ’ re not sure if asbestos is in your home you can have it inspected by a licenced removalist or a licensed asbestos assessor .
11 . Products made from asbestos cement include fibro sheeting ( flat and corrugated ), water , drainage and flue pipes , roofing shingles , guttering and floor and wall coverings . It could be anywhere ! Visit the Asbestos Products Database to find out more .
12 . If you find asbestos in your home ; Don ’ t cut it ! Don ’ t drill it ! Don ’ t drop it ! Don ’ t sand it ! Don ’ t saw it ! Don ’ t scrape it ! Don ’ t scrub it ! Don ’ t dismantle it ! Don ’ t tip it ! Don ’ t waterblast it ! Don ’ t demolish it ! And whatever you do … Don ’ t dump it !”
13 . If left undisturbed asbestos materials in good , stable condition are unlikely to release dangerous fibres and pose a health risk . Generally , you don ’ t need to remove the asbestos . Paint it and leave it alone but remember to check it occasionally for any signs of wear and tear .
14 . There are legal requirements regarding asbestos management , its removal and disposal . While some might follow the regulations and safety requirements to remove small amounts of asbestos , the safest way to manage its removal is to retain a licenced professional asbestos removalist equipped to protect you and your family from the dangers of asbestos dust and fibres . Where asbestos fibres are friable ( loose and not bonded into building materials ), ONLY licenced friable asbestos removalists are allowed to remove it . Professional removal of asbestos is affordable . You can ’ t afford not to use a professional !
15 . The cost of asbestos removal by a licenced professional is comparable to most licenced tradesmen including electricians , plumbers and tilers .
16 . The cost of disposal at a lawful site is often included with the cost of removal by a licenced professional .
17 . If you must work with any material that may contain asbestos or remove asbestos yourself , protect yourself and your family and follow the legal and safety requirements for the management of asbestos to minimise the release of dust or small particles from the asbestos materials .
18 . There are a number of safety precautions you will need to take including wearing specific protective clothing , the correct mask or breathing apparatus and ensure you minimise dust and dispose of it legally .
19 . Never use tools on asbestos materials as they will make asbestos fibres airborne including : Power tools such as electric drills , angle grinders , circular saws and electric sanders . Never use high pressure water blasters or compressed air .
20 . Don ’ t play renovation roulette ! Think Smart . Think Safe . Think asbestosawareness . com . au – Because it ’ s not worth the risk ! For additional information , check out : www . blacktown . nsw . gov . au / Services / Health-and-safety / Asbestos
BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 25 // APRIL 2023 23