Blacktown City Independent #009 December 2021 | Page 4


It ’ s a calling - pastoral care at Parklea

Being a prison chaplain isn ’ t a job , it ’ s a calling , according to Parklea Correctional Centre ’ s five faith leaders . Anglican ,
Men of faith : ( l-r ) Cheung Tuni Laikum , Richard Korkor , Mohamad Halloum , Governor Paul Baker , Revd . Edwin Thambyaiyah , Revd . Liva Tukutama .
Catholic , Seventh Day Adventist , Uniting and Islamic religion chaplains provide support and guidance to the diverse inmate population .
With plans to recruit more from other faiths , Parklea ’ s operator MTC- Broadspectrum , said a chaplain ’ s role is to listen and provide counsel to inmates , their families and staff when they need help , and when COVID restrictions permit , a church service is held on Sundays .
At six years , Uniting chaplain Liva , has been at the prison the longest and said a chaplain ’ s job is not to convert inmates to become Christians . “ We are chaplains for everyone . We are all God ’ s children and loved by God equally . The presence of [ Muslim chaplain ]

Inmates ’ giant tea set a highlight for DV campaign

Inmates from Parklea Correctional Centre put their metalwork skills to spectacular use by creating a giant tea set which was knit-bombed as part of Blacktown City Council ’ s annual campaign to raise awareness and promote discussion about domestic violence .
Council asked for a tea pot and two cups and saucers to be created for the Knit Bomb project – the concept of sharing a cuppa being a great way to start a conversation . This annual campaign uses visually vibrant statements to say no to family and domestic violence .
Four inmates worked on the project under the supervision of correctional officers to construct a tea pot , measuring two metres by two metres , and two matching cups and saucers , one metre high and one metre wide , by building a steel frame and surrounding it with chicken wire .
Mohamad , has enriched our ‘ being ’ as chaplains ,” he said .
Stanhope Anglican Church minister , Edwin , expanded into chaplaincy after volunteering with prison ministry organisation Kairos International .
“ I saw the impact their ministry had on the lives of the inmates . I hope to help people to reassess their lives , accept responsibility for their actions and make purposeful changes in their lives so that they don ’ t reoffend ,” Edwin said .
Muslim chaplain , Mohamad , “ wants to be part of making a difference in the rehabilitation of inmates ” and said he loves to see time spent with them making a change in their behaviour and attitude .
Richard started as a Catholic chaplain at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital last year and joined the Parklea team in March saying he ,
The eye-catching sculptures were then “ knit bombed ” by the talented members of the Blacktown Library Knitting Group , overseen by Blacktown City Council ’ s Women ’ s Advisory Committee , who had knitted or crocheted squares in various colours and sizes and sewn them together .
The giant tea pot , cups and saucers are now on display until 17 December at the Village Green ,
“ enjoys the possibility of bringing a face of hope and healing into a place where there is so much hurt and suffering ”.
Tuni has been a Seventh Day Adventist chaplain for Corrective Services NSW for two years and joined the Parklea team earlier this year . He is also a chaplain at a retirement village . “ I hope to move inmates from a hopeless mindset to a hopeful expectation in God .”
Edwin and Mohamad ’ s words of advice for those considering entering prison chaplaincy : “ I will certainly recommend this job to anyone who loves , values and respects the inmates as people made in the image of God and who are very precious in God ’ s sight ,” Edwin said .
Mohamad adding , “ someone who likes to listen , someone with empathy and strength of character .”
next to Blacktown City Council Chambers along with other knitbombed projects .
4 ISSUE 09 // DECEMBER 2021 theindependentmagazine . com . au BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT