Blacktown City Independent #009 December 2021 | Page 3

theindependentmagazine . com . au

... FROM THE EDITOR ’ S DESK ... Your thoughts ? maryann @ hdinews . com . au

Community spirit is alive , well and thriving in this month ’ s edition of the Independent .
From Kellyville to Mount Druitt to Riverstone to Parklea , we have a bumper edition celebrating positivity , personal achievement , support for our community and a desire to move forward out of the COVID lockdowns and enjoy our neighbourhood .
The inaugural lighting of the Riverstone Christmas Tree , as part of the Council ’ s series of free annual Christmas and concert events across the City says it all – we as a community are flourishing and together will always have hope now and into the future .
Families were delighted to attend the Christmas Tree light-ups in Riverstone , Mount Druitt and Blacktown CBD , to enjoy neighbourly spirit and be touched and comforted by the familiar magic of Christmas .
The desire to give to those less fortunate , or to families which really struggled during the pandemic lockdowns this year , is none more evident than in the launch of this year ’ s Mayoress ’ Christmas Gift Appeal .
For more than 30 years this annual appeal has helped families of Blacktown City share in the joy of Christmas . This year you can really brighten a child ’ s year by donating gifts that bring joy and happiness which is a fitting end to this tumultuous year for so many . For more details , see our story on p16 .
The team here at the Independent wish you all a merry Christmas and a safe , happy and enjoyable new year .
We thank you for sharing your stories with us during our launch year and look forward to publishing many more .


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Issue 09 | December 2021 Phone 4588 5055 | e : info @ hdinews . com . au theindependentmagazine . com . au
Owner / Publisher | Julie Ryan // 0421 574 093 // info @ hdinews . com . au PO Box 16 WINDSOR NSW 2756
Creative Director | Natalie Reed // Natwest Creative Designs // 0411 030 474 www . natwestcreativedesigns . com . au | production @ hdinews . com . au
Printer | Spot Press , Marrickville • 2021
Julie Ryan 0421 574 093 Owner / Publisher
Myee Lallyette 0413 305 578 Advertising Sales
Maryann Jenkins 0427 442 452 Group Editor
David Burnet 0412 448 883 Advertising Sales
Natalie Reed 0411 030 474 Creative Director
Susan Bird 0415 202 380 Advertising Sales
Kathryn Johnston 0422 404 366 Photographer
Lorraine Clifford 0488 025 533 Sub Editor

theindependentmagazine . com . au

Disclaimer : The comments of columnists and contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of the Blacktown City Independent . The Blacktown City Independent nor any person acting on their behalf , may be held responsible for the use to which the information contained in this publication may be put , or for any errors which , despite careful preparation and checking , may appear .
Greg Martin 0420 655 524 Journalist
Lorna Gordon 0402 596 244 Freelance Writer
Patrick Staveley 0406 225 405 Journalist
Haley De Martin 0408 634 583 Social Media

Thank you To all our readers ... thank you so much for embracing our new magazine this year into your community . We appreciate you .

To our amazing advertisers ... your support has been unwavering , even during this incredibly difficult year . We wouldn ’ t have been able to do it without you , so thank you ! We look forward to working with you again in 2022 .

Merry Christmas

AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR from all of us at the Independent

BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 09 // DECEMBER 2021 3