Blacktown City Independent #009 December 2021 | Page 28



Designing your future with TAFE

Value of kids

starting strong
Award-winning TAFE NSW graduate , Maddalena Fiorasi , tapped into the COVID-induced demand for interior design by launching her own consultancy business .
With Job Outlook stating employment in interior design is expected to grow 16.3 per cent over the next five years , the timing was right for Ms Fiorasi to launch her new business Studio Fiorasi .
Maddalena studied TAFE ’ s Diploma of Interior Design when she was looking at improving and acquiring new technical drawing and documentation skills .
“ I was working at a furniture design company but was looking for a role that involved more detailed design work and knew I needed to refresh and upgrade some of my skills in order to be
considered for such a design role ,” Ms Fiorasi said .
“ I looked at several different interior design schools but the reputation of TAFE NSW in the industry convinced me to select this course .”
Halfway through her course , Maddalena says she had gained enough confidence in her computer skills to start looking for a new job .
“ It didn ’ t take too long after I started looking to be offered a designer position for a high-end Italian kitchens ’ firm ,” she said .
“ I am confident I would not have been considered for that position had I not built up my documentation and graphics skills at TAFE NSW .”
Demand for this course skyrocketed due to the increased focus on home improvements and working from home
during the COVID lockdowns Maddalena graduated from TAFE
NSW at the end of 2019 . At the time she was awarded the Kitchen and Bathroom Designer Institute ( KBDI ) membership scholarship and has recently been awarded the KBDI 2021 Kitchen Designer of the Year award with her innovative small kitchen design for Italian furniture and Kitchen Design company , Snaidero .
She now owns and operates her own interior design company and freelances for a kitchen and bathroom renovation company that operates all over Sydney .
To find out more about the range of study options available at TAFE NSW including the Diploma of Interior Design , visit tafensw . edu . au or call 131 601 .
Research by the NSW Government shows that children who participate in a quality early childhood education program are more likely to thrive at ‘ big school ’.
Children who undertake at least 600 hours in the year before school are more likely to arrive at school equipped with the social , cognitive and emotional skills they need to engage in learning .
“ The benefits endure well beyond primary school . Higher levels of educational attainment , economic participation and family well being have all been linked to moderate levels of participation in early childhood education ,” the report said .
Making early childhood education more affordable is key to this .
Under the Start Strong Long Day Care ( LDC ) program , long day care services receive additional funding to support children aged four and five .
The good news is funding is being continued in 2021-22 to help increase access to early childhood education in the year before starting school .
For the most up-to-date information on Start Strong funding for community preschools , check out the Start Strong factsheet at education . nsw . gov . au .

Life at


Blacktown after lockdown

Following are comments from students of our incoming Year 12 Student Representative Council for 2022 regarding returning to college after lockdown .
• Returning to school after lockdown has been like the end of a roller coaster ride : the ups and downs , the high emotions , the abrupt end to the ride . At the end of the rollercoaster ride , we could say , “ Well , that was some experience !” And as a community we can safely say that this experience is exactly how we felt coming out of lockdown .
• There are definitely mixed feelings about the return to face-to-face learning , but the general consensus is that all students are excited and glad to be back ! The nervousness combined with excitement of returning to school after being confined at home without social interactions for four months is like a breath of fresh , crisp air .
• Although the masks , physical distancing , constant sanitising , and alterations to the usual routine are present for the time being , it ’ s certainly worth the extra precautions to feel at least a spark of normality again . It has been wonderful enjoying laughter with friends ; savouring the change in environment ; physically picking up a pen and writing the date , and having a conversation without any internet issues . We have missed the presence of our teachers above all . Being able to reconnect with them again almost feels surreal . We are forever grateful for how our teachers and school community adapted to online learning with such efficiency and finesse , while ensuring our health and safety was and still is their number one priority . Emails were answered straight away , the work set was fair and reasonable , the communication was clear and most importantly the support and encouragement was phenomenal .
• Lockdown in 2021 was a once in a lifetime experience that we can confidently say we will never forget - a roller coaster some may be reluctant to hop on again . And to that we say , bring on 2022 !

www . nagleblacktown . catholic . edu . au

28 ISSUE 09 // DECEMBER 2021 theindependentmagazine . com . au BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT