Blacktown City Independent #009 December 2021 | Page 27


Building a new community

at MacKillop House Norwest

Catholic Healthcare ’ s newest Residential Aged Care Home , MacKillop House , opened last month . Situated in leafy Norwest , MacKillop House offers permanent , respite and palliative care as well as a dedicated dementia support wing , caring for up to 104 residents .
Julie Farquhar , the newly appointed Residential Manager , is part of a fresh new team who has been getting the home ready for residents .
“ This has been a great opportunity to commission a beautiful new home ,” says Julie .
“ I am looking forward to meeting the residents , their families and building a fantastic community .”
The home is located on land that was originally owned by The Sisters of St Joseph ; a congregation led by St Mary MacKillop . The Sisters of St Joseph were also one of the six founding religious groups who established Catholic Healthcare in 1994 .
Catholic Healthcare subsequently purchased a portion of the remaining land previously owned by the
Old Government House .
congregation , to build the home . The name , MacKillop House , aptly reflects this rich history .
As part of the design of the new home , Iulia Brooks , MacKillop House Project Manager , sourced a company to conduct a local photoshoot of the area , with the goal of displaying artworks throughout the home .
“ We wanted to display evocative local historical scenes and landscape artworks , so we selected Shire Arthouse who were highly recommended ,” says lulia .
“ Shire Arthouse developed , manufactured and installed the artworks . The images chosen include a selection of photos of nearby Bella Vista Farm , Castle Hill Country Club , the old Government House and a variety of other historical images that reflect the agricultural development and settlement of the area by the early pioneers , from the late 19th century to the early 20th century .”
Shire Arthouse is a collaboration of father and son team , Kiah and Tony Rea . They were recently commissioned for other Catholic Healthcare projects , including St
Bella Vista Farm .
Catherine ’ s Aged Care Home in Bathurst and Holy Spirit Aged Care Home in Casula .
“ The artworks chosen serve as a catalyst for memory , storytelling and a deep sense of belonging .
It was also important to honour the life and history of St Mary MacKillop , which we have done through a lot of the agricultural scenes during early settlement ,” says lulia . “ Norwest was at the forefront of agricultural development for the settlement of Sydney , and the nearby Bella Vista Farm photos , in particular , speak to the significance of that development .”
For more information and a tour of the home please call Catholic Healthcare on 1300 169 949 or visit : norwest . catholichealthcare . com . au /.

Move and dance with me classes

Whether you know dancing as “ a waltz ” or “ a jive ” or you just wiggle about as carefree as the music takes you , it ’ s wonderful for exercise and wellbeing .
Picture : Dolo Iglesias .
If you ’ re an older person and would like to increase your regular physical activity , Blacktown City Council operates dance classes to get you moving and meeting people in a COVID safe way .
“ Dancing has numerous health benefits , easing your movements , improving balance and strength ,” a spokesperson said .
“ Get fit and healthy the easy way doing something you love while connecting with other older people in the local area .”
Weekly classes run by dance instructor Ryan Herbert from Move With Me Dance Studio in Castle Hill , are held on Tuesday and Wednesday at Woodcroft Neighbourhood Centre , 65 Woodcroft Drive , from 10.00am to 11.30am at a cost of $ 5 per person , per session . Limited places are available . Register your place by contacting Council ’ s Community Development Officer Older People on 9839 6287 or email Dharshini . Perera @ blacktown . nsw . gov . au . Upcoming sessions :
• Tues 23 November
• Wed 24 November
• Tues 30 November
• Wed 1 December
• Tues 7 December
• Wed 8 December

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BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 09 // DECEMBER 2021 27