Blacktown City Independent #009 December 2021 | Page 17


Great news ! New wheels for Hands and Feet

A Blacktown City charity has literally been run off its feet delivering hundreds of tonnes of food to the needy throughout the state from its Kings Park centre .
Aptly named Hands and Feet ( H & F ), the charity delivers food , essential personal items and hot dinners through mobile community kitchens at locations across Sydney and regional NSW , as well as hampers to people through the church network .
But getting more than 20 tonnes of food out every week to families is a feat that ’ s now been made logistically easier with two new trucks joining the fourstrong fleet at the Kings Park distribution centre .
The trucks , affectionately named Noah and Ezekiel according to Blacktown MP Stephen Bali , were funded by Hyundai Trucks Australia and Stewards Foundation .
Full of praise for H & F ’ s continued efforts , Mr Bali said these new trucks are definitely a welcome addition .
“ The demand for help during COVID has risen significantly … this wonderful organisation reaches out across greater Sydney and regional NSW ,” Mr Bali said .
“ The ability to get food to people in need was made easier with the generosity of Hyundai Trucks Australia and Stewards Foundation .”
H & F general manager , Bradley Scott , said truck maintenance costs were growing each year as the charity struggled to maintain its four ageing vehicles in a roadworthy manner .
“ Hyundai Trucks and Stewards Foundation have provided these two great vehicles which have five years warranty and three years roadside assistance ,” Mr Scott said .
“ Our volunteer drivers love these trucks . Both are refrigerated - Ezekiel can carry six pallets and 2.7 tonnes , while Noah can be driven with a car license and carries three pallets and 1.7 tonnes of food .”
Mr Bali , who is also a friend of H & F , was on hand to thank Dilip Kumar , managing director of Hyundai Trucks Australia , and Peter Weldon of Stewards Foundation , presenting the men with a certificate of appreciation .
“ Dilip Kumar has a long history of giving to the community and this has continued through to the corporate philanthropy of Hyundai Trucks ,” Mr Bali said .
“ Together with
Stewards Foundation [ they ] saw the importance of supporting Hands and Feet who were distributing hundreds of tonnes of food to people in need during the lockdown .”
H & F is a not-for-profit organisation which provides food and essentials to 40 churches in Greater Sydney which then distribute to 3,500 people in need each week .
“ H & F is always thankful to businesses and individuals who support their work through volunteering or supporting them financially ,” Mr Bali said .
Delivering the best news : Titilia Brown ( H & F ), Peter Weldon ( Stewards Foundation ), Stephen Bali MP , Dilip Kumar ( GM Hyundai Trucks ), Ross Bunyon ( Chair H & F ) and Bradley Scott ( GM H & F ) with the new truck ‘ Ezekiel ’ at the Kings Park warehouse and distribution centre .
BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 09 // DECEMBER 2021 17